CvS2: Kim Infinite

Are the infinite videos you have the ones that are done with the EX grooves?

No, they are done with S groove. I think…well, if you want them just contact me and we’ll see how I can send them to you so you can check them out. They are small in size.

For the iori inf. does he cancel his DP+P into his super and then keeps on doing the super?

For the Ryo inf. Does ryo do the multi hit punch attack canceled into his super and repeats?

Because if they are, i dont think they can do that on S mode unless they modified it in groove edit mode.

You are right man, they do it, but it’s literaly imposible to do it…in S groove. They are infinites, but just modified. You are right…never mind about the videos. I never tried them until you wrote that and they don’t work :smiley:

Kim Infinite Video

Thanks Final Shodown for the information on Kim infinite combos. I can’t seem to find the Kim infinite vid, so I decided to make my own. Here it is people, in case you missed F-Sho vid.

<Download Kim Infinite Vid>

Shaix the link dont work

sorry, maybe i shouldn’t direct it to the file. I direct it to the cvs2 folder instead.

try again

The infinite is in my video too, if you guys wanna check it out.

Ryumexicano VL. 2

You’re a pretty popular trainer these days Final Showdown…
Anyone who’s never seen the “Kimfinite” is missing out, it’s quite pretty. Anyone who’s ever done it to someone in a match knows how wonderful it feels to have a ratio 1 who’s almost dead take out a ratio 2 at full health with one combo. I’m still surprised how people react when they see it owning someone. They all pay attention to see how long it goes on, and then the guy dies and the super gets cancelled into after they’re gone…so sweet. I’d put out a video, but it doesn’t sound like I can top what you’ve already posted. Most people just come to Sunnyvale to see Kim in action.
I thought you stopped playing…
You’re like a personal trainer for aspiring Kim users. Cool.
I think I’m gonna snag the title of “best active Kim player.” “Best ever” is more suited for you anyway.

A little help on the “Kimfinite” please…

on a DC i’m in training mode, and I practice doing “the stomp kick” across the screen using (d,d,rh(hold rh)d,d,lp(let go of rh) press rh again and repeat method) and it looks like i’m doing the stomps without ever leaving the switch stance.

once I do the level 2 " kick super " i can only get the first stomp to connect.

now i’ve seen a couple of videos, and i’ve seen it live (had it done on me), and it seems that you are supposed to whiff your first stomp immediately after the level 2… is this important in any way?

i don’t know what i’m doing wrong, or if i’m even close to getting it down right.

any help would be appreciated.

now i’ve seen a couple of videos, and i’ve seen it live (had it done on me), and it seems that you are supposed to whiff your first stomp immediately after the level 2… is this important in any way?

THat’s the main portal for doing the infinite right. I remember FS telling me to practice the stomps across the screen first.

Canceling the LV2 immediately with the stomp is the most important thing, other wise the second stomp won’t connect or the character will fall first and there is no way you can connect second stomp. First, cancel the Level 2 almost immediately with the stomp (and hold HK) then D,D + lp (let go HK), that should connect the second stomp. You will almost never keep your finger off the HK botton, you should feel that you are not letting it go (since the sequence is fast), but never lift your finger like high and for a while.

After some minutes of practice you will get the sequence, it’s pretty straightfoward.


U don’t have to whiff the first stomp. Just make sure u continue to karacanel it for the next stomp to connect.

Kid Lee…

whoa whoa… wait dude i did stop playing. lol Just cuz i told em doesnt mean i play. Just if someone asks me how to do it, i walk em through it or whatever. lol dont worry guy im horrible im sure you would murder me(even if i did play. I only could really play kim anyway lol)

Ah as for the one thing though umm yea ahh acctualy you do have to wiff the first stomp. Unless another method of doing it has been found since i played. But yea you have to wiff the first stomp. Or else you are cancling the super. Which is basicly what you have to do.

And yea sorry i dont have my video or the video sai-rec gave me all were lost with a virus… yes let me tell you that sucked. lol =/


I’ve been able to do his stomp kicks the whole time without leaving the switch stance, but the only problem was I never canceled his level 2 super…

Now I can do his infinite fairly easy on the DC training mode.

It’s actually not that hard.

I thought it was hard too, but now I am a pro! lol
In the PS2 version, I had to change the button config., so that the HK was close to the lp. Do you guys change the button config. in the DC version too, or are you guys DC pros and do it with the default config.?


Don’t know about anyone else, but I use a weak @$$ TOP MAX joystick for the DC…

I only got it because I’d rather play in the arcades, and I don’t want a console controller to mess up my game while I practice.

The way I figure it is, if I can execute the moves on that crappy joystick, it will be a sinch in the arcade… so far it is.

Can’t wait to take that Kim infinite out in public.