CvS2: Kim Infinite

cvs2 kim infinite

Hey buddy, isn’t that the second old avatar of mine that you’ve stolen? :confused:

Ahhhh, ok, I see what you’re saying Final Showdown. Alright, cool, I’ll try it with the lp some more, see if I can get it better. Because I got Kim to look the same doing it both ways, but if I get it working with LP, then I’ll try the other way and report back later. As for the Kyosuke combo, I’ll try it some more and see what I get.

How lol…ah how would you get it both ways? lol it onyl works with the lp. If you do it just with the hk the max you can get is 2. You cant infinte. =/ why how would you do infinite by just doing hk foot stomp?

Hmm well i dunno its just that i think you most be thinking or doing something differnt. My video is done now and hopefully it wil get put up pretty soon. though the quality is a bit shitty all have the infinite in there so maybe if you see that youl see what im talking about a bit better.

Hmm… I’m probably doing something completely wrong -___- Umm… yeah, I’ll just watch your video and see how to do it, if you want a temporary internet spot that won’t get shut down for about a month, just get a site on you can make free accounts that will work until they realize it’s only one video. Or you can try to get or to host it, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.

lol.heh thanks for the adivce to bad my mom just lost my fucking video in the mail. im so fucking pissed right now.


Why the hell would your mom have your Video at the mall?!?!?

:frowning: no no…you see i was sending the video to someone to edit it and stuff and i had money sence that was like a good dead of him to do and everything. and i guess my mom said she wrote down his name as his address.

gosh im so piised…by some luck of god hopefully it gets there.

I get the whole kyoseke inf. deal but the kimfinite really has me wierded out.

well fuck me up the ass or some shit. thanks tho the lord above me the video has been found.

it just may come out after all.

or well shit i suppose heres whats on it if any of you care…

ok the video starts off with kyo doing a final shodown and then he taunts and rock does this combo beacuse his taunt is so dang long…har har… anyway he does this…

qcb+hk, 360+p, pp(plasma blast) qcfX2+mk, d u+lp, qcfX2+lk

next rock is invisable and does jump hp, stand hp, deadly rave, stand mk, d u+lp, qcfX2+lk

next kim is invisable he does foot stomp to super and there are no shadows on the super as well!!..whoa…lol

Next kim is invisable and does down lp, stand hp, qcfX2+mk, then foot stomp infinite X5, lp, d u+hk

kyosuke does jump hp, d/f+hk, jump mk,hp,hk, land qcfX2+mp, qcbX2+lp, jump mp,hp,hk

Rock does qcb+hk, 360+p, pp(plasma blast thing) stand hk, qcfX2+mp, qcf+hk, stand hk, qcfX2+lp

kyosuke does jump hp, stand mk, qcbX2+lp, jump mp, land dp+p, qcf+k

orochi iori does qcf+lp, sj hp, stand hp, qcb+pX2, stand hk, qcfX2+mp, qcb+pX2, dp+hp…dizzy…qcf+lp, sj hp, stand hp, qcb+pX2, qcf,hcb+mp, hcb+hk

orochi iori does qcf+lp, sj hp, stand mp, t+mp, qcb+pX2, qcf hcb+mp, qcb+pX2, dp+hp…dizzy…qcf+lp, sj hp, stand hp, qcb+pX2, qcf,hcb+mp, dp+hp

rock does qcb+hk, 360+p, pp(plasma blast), d u+lp, qcfX2+mp, d u+mp, qcfX2+lk

terry does cross up hk, ducking hp, mk, qcfX2+lk, duck hp, qcb,hcf+mp, qcb+lp, dp+hk

orochi iori does(juggle) qcb+pX2, dp+lp, qcfX2+mp, qcb+pX2, qcb+p, qcfX2+p

kim does cross up hk, down lp, stand hp, qcfX2+mk, infintie command X4, lp, d u+lk, qcf,hcb+mk(tiger knee) d u+hk

ryu does cross up hk, ducking mp, stand hk, qcfX2+mp, qcb+lk, qcbX2+lk

ken does cross up hk, stand mk, lp, hp, qcbX2+hk

orochi iori does qcf+lp, sj hp, ducking mp, hp, qcb+pX2, stand hp, qcfX2+mp, qcb+pX2, dp+lp, qcfX2+p

iori does jump hp, ducking mp, hp, qcf hcb+mp , qcb hcf+lp, jump hp, stand mp, t+mp, dp+hp

kyo does cross up hp, ducking lk, qcfX2+mp, bdp+mk, ducking mp, hp, qcf+mp, qcf+mp, k, bdp+lk

chun li does t+mk, stand hk, qcfX2+hk, jump mk, land qcfX2+lp

kim does cross up hk, ducking lp, stand hp, down down hk, qcb hcf+ mk, qcf+hk, qcf+k X2(tiger knee) qcf,hcb+lk

iori does jump hp, stand mp, t+mp, qcf,hcb+mp, qcb,hcf+lp, cross up b+lk, stand mp, t+mp…dizzy…jump hp, stand mp,t+mp, qcb+pX3

ryo does jump hk, stand mp, f,hcf+mp, hcb+hp, jump lk, dp+hp

terry does jump hk, stand hp, qcb,hcf+lp, qcb hcf+mp, qcb+hp

Wow, damn man, that’s pretty awesome. I take it some of these are A-ism combos?
excited to see the video, make sure the editor doesn’t botch up the actual video like the Sample2 XYZ video, where you can’t even see the combos because of that damn effect (and no rave music!!) lol, I’m sure it will rule.

lol…nope there C :).

EWhere can I see these infinites you speak of? used to have some of the infinites there.

The maki one was on the mr.mem video at awhile back. the joe infinite ive never seen on a video.

I have some examples of the infinites on my video like i do a kyosuke combo but instead of continuing to the qcbX2+lp i do DP+hp,qcf+hk instead.

and then i have the kim infintie on there and i go into the anti air to air super from it.

Damn, all in C, that’s hella impressive. I’m wondering though can you figure out how the hell XYZ does that Maki infinite, because that stupid stupid effect makes it sooooooo hard to see anything.

Yo Clayton Capwhan I was wondering if you could do a cc with kim then setup into the inf can it be done? If so that shit would be CHEAP cc=death.


Na sowwie i dun think you can. Mike_Z told me he tried it and he couldnt get it to work. ANd im sure he knows alot more about A groove then me. =/


thanks to the “man” aks my video has been finished i need a site for it…but if you have aim i can send you it over that if you want for the time being.

OK its done.

first of all thanks to burningfist for hosting the video and thanks to aks216 for editing it.

also i have one reminder.


I didnt feellike every fucking time going to options to set the super so you could se it charge up…some of the combos were to long to just record so i had to do the combo in one sitting. i didnt want to have to press pause over and over if i miss to get super back ect. i wanted to make it easier instead of aks having to watch 5 mins for a combo stuff like that. =/

anyway just saying i do charge up another level ect in the videos you can try if you want.

heres the video

and of course thanks for watching. =p

Ahhh I see the light, VERY VERY impressive Final Showdown. Those were some dammmmmn nice combos man. I see how you do that Kim Infinite, alright, cool, and the Kyosuke one, I think if you’re too close with Kyosuke when you do the qcbx2+p move, the opponent isn’t knocked far enough back. The quality of the video is kinda bad, but I can tell it’s just your VCR, so sall good, I can see the combos fine (no shitty RAVE effects.) Those Evil Iori combos were insane man.
-Good Stuff