Her teleport has two uses, the first is for evasion of course. To either get her out of a corner or out of a bad situation. The other use is the short version of her teleport. If you learn how to use this it can be used very much like a dash. Its very fast and has short recovery time. Alot of times you can do a couple short teleports, then use her special throw. Its a really easy way to set up her a groove custom combo and if you practice it you will learn how easy it is to get a command throw after the short teleport.
jae can i ask wat team u play athena in and wat groove?
Also, does anyone have any match videos of gosu athena’s?
i got 2 mathces of bokchoy’s A groove athena vs opm at the go for broke hub and they’re pretty good, just like i play my athena. check the hub, and look for “popoblo,” and it’ll be there in my cvs2 match vids folder. i also have one in my cvs2/match vids/svgl folder, mike p vs john choi (A groove). CR FIERCE THAT SHIT!
and jae hoon, above your avatar, it’s spelled “quintessential”
go for broke hub?
wheres that?
just follow the directions, it’s pretty simple.
Yeah I noticed I spelled it wrong im just to lazy to change it. :lol:
Anyways no there are no videos for us here but to answer your question I play Athena mostly in N and K groove. Sometimes I have her leading of and sometimes she is my second character.
N Groove Teams
K Groove
There is more than that to those are just some of the teams I use.
i put athena on my A-groove team as my battery (1st character) because she builds meter so ridiculously well and sets up a huge change of pace (from my meter-building, semi-turtle athena, to my hardcore rushdown rolento).
and since people sometimes put sagat as a R1/R2 first, this sets up a match in my favor.
woh u got lots of joes in ur team… i havent seen any good joe players, not like hes bad or anything, just havent seen any.
Joe is very very underrated, he is actually alot better than people will be willing to give him credit for. He has a reliable anti air, good specials, really good supers and does good damage, but thats another thread in itself. Sadly im the only good Joe player I know of.
how does athena do against chun li? i play some good ones around here, i just haven’t busted out my athena yet…
-what should i use to stop her cross-ups?
-should i just be smart with my cr fierce when they walk back and forth and look for medium into fireball/super? wouldn’t a crouching fierce stuff a level 1 multi-kick super if they just tried to predict my fierce?
-and who just really fucks up athena? i heard vega does, who else?
Chun Li is hard for anyone to play against, you generally want to try to use stading foward for antiair, or the smarter strategy if you cant get off an air throw is to just roll when she jumps at you. Chun Li has a maddening pressure game and you can literally just be stuck holding the controller at times, because it seems like you cant do anything. As far as Chun’s cross up goes your best bet is to usually roll. And yes Athena’s cf can beat a lvl one super combo if its not comboed in. Level 1 supers have amazingly low priority.
I know its sounds stupid to say roll but her roll is very good and you will recover before they land there jump. But remember Athena does have an airthrow and you can airthrow shortjumps.
Who fucks up Athena besides Vega? Imo Besides Vega this is Athen’as 5 toughest matchups
match vids
I use athena a lot. Look for any match vids with my name on Direct Connect, Go For Broke hub. THere should be a few decent vids there…
Just to add alittle something, I was fucking around with Athena a couple of weeks ago and I noticed you could combo in her sweep of a jumping foward, im not talking about the butt bounce im talking about just hitting them with foward and doing the sweep right after that.
Athena is a bitch. I like her though, she does the most chip in the game, with her level 3 Shining Crystal Bit (corner only:lame: ) Also the character can’t be able to duck the high hits.
That jumping forward kick can be combo’d into her super. Both of them, but easier timing on the phoenix arrow super if you buffer ( qcf forward, qcf kick) Useful for lvl 2 cancels if you have c groove.
has anyone tried k groove athena effectively…
i’m pretty sure you can do a jd and do her command throw much like zangief and his jd/360…
command throw, jump forward do hp psycho sword…good damage…
corner, jd, command throw, shining bit, 2nd part of shining bit
i think someone’s mentioned this, but…here goes anyways…if you managed to knock them onto the floor…run up to them and do the lp psycho sword as they get up…good chip damage plus no lag after the move is down…not sure if it’ll work against wake up shoryuken and such
and i guess abuse c. hp?
when bar is about to end, just do the pheonix ball super…it’s extremely good chip damage…
my anti air is jd and throw most of the time…or jd and jab…for every character…
anything else important for her?
I’ve never thought of Athena much in K groove becuz she doesn’t have as much HP as others. That means she doesn’t get raged as much. However some people do use her effectively in K.
Also Athena’s command throw is slower than Zangief’s SPD. Chances are you won’t be able to catch em fast enuff with it.
Her Phoenix arrow super sux. Anyone can uppercut or roll it on reaction. And if it’s too high most characters can just jump and get knocked down to avoid the block damage. Basically if you’re going to use it make sure they’re not too smart and it kills for block damage. If not you’re going to eat a combo.
Is there a way to set up her super (qcb2+p) cuz I cant seem to do anything with it.
Well you can do a jump in wake up super…suprise
in the corner you can do command throw…then lite there world up
Roll super, wakeup super, basically shit like that. Not really much you can setup there, unless you have any setups for her grab.
Dont listen to Gon, K Groove Athena owns that ass fo free:lol:. jk
She is winnable in K yes, its harder to do but possible. You have to think about it like this, your playing Athena with no roll, small jump and run are still present so you can still attack. Rage Athena is actually pretty good, df while raged is sick and it enhances the damage of her shinning crytal bit quite a bit. Her other super the super phoenix arrow actually does have a use in K Groove if used right. That super in that groove does an ungodly amount of block damage. If your facing someone who likes to block alot, a good way to figure out what a person will do is to throw a couple of fireballs and see how they react, use that super if there life par is aboud 25 percent or so and it will kill them while there blocking it.