whiff punishing with chun li’s mp into super
agreed. it sounds so much simpler than it is. and when you’re in that mode, if you see the other player whiff a jab, you’re gonna think you can punish it. your super gets blocked, chun dies.
i still think whipping out geese’s raging storm on reaction to a jump-in is the hardest thing to master in cvs2. probably because i haven’t practiced it enough.
NOW i’d say that painting the fence/shosho is super easy, but that’s because i’ve done it so much. early on it was tough to do it fast enough.
practice makes perfect.
I think it’s Chun Li’s lv 2 super XX kicks, s.lp, d+mp XX lv 1 super
blanka’s EC elec is easy, RC 360 is not that hard (I think RC’ing dps is harder). I have troubles doing shoshoshosho, but I think it’s because of my arcade stick
I think hardest thing in CvS2 is to punish Blanka’s ball on block w/ A Iori.
glad someone agrees with me on the raging storm :tup:
whiff punishing into super. especially with chun…like popoblo said blocked super=dead chun.
How about waiting to punish things like shoto d.mk, or sagat s.mk with s.strong super. those are a lot easier. I don’t see many people trying to punish whiffed jabs with s.strong xx super, too risky
i think he meant when you’re in the zone, you feel like you can punish whiff jabs…not that anyone actually does it with consistancity.
oh ok. It’d be pretty scary if someone could do that on a regular basis :xeye:
Naw that aint practical. Sagat can do 2 crouching fierce punch linked to a super. But its not practical. I think it only works when opponent are out of a roll.
I think that Raging storm is easier than it’s made out to be. If you know a jumpin is comin, it’s not that bad.
Kim infinite is pretty hard to do consistently…I’ve tried for hours and gotten nowhere.
And any link combo in which you only have 1 frame to land it (aka Sakura link combos)is crazy hard and almost impractical…it reminds me of VF’s Akira and his 1 frame knee launcher…doubt I’ll ever be able to do that consistantly.
it has to be meaty, so any period of time where the opponent cannot be hit or is invulnerable. veryy impractical
and 1 frame links are practical, just watch combofiend play, but i think that its not a very good idea if the 1 frame link results in an unsafe situation (rolento, sak hurricane into jab into hp+dp) $.o2
Full/mid screen blanka custom ZOMGWTFBBQ !!! :mad:
From the list I would say blanka RC elec.More powah to yo if you can spam that shit all day !
The Truth…and nice fucking av to boot.
As for the whole thing popoblo was talking about missing a punish on a whiff jab, I think it’s this.
When you whiff punish, really what are you reacting to? Are you really waiting for enough of the move to execute, to clearly see that its the move you’re looking for, and only then perform the motions to hit them back? Or are you cheating a bit, and you know the situation, they’re likely to hit button X, so you see their sprite flinch, and then you go for the punish?
Basically, sometimes whiff punishing is a bit reactionary. The window to punish tends to be small, so you do need to react quick. And so if the other guy, say presses a jab, instead of whatever move you were expecting, you see his sprite flinch, your reflexes kick in and you try to punish, but since it was a jab, you end up getting your super blocked, and you die.
Yeah 1-frame links are practical. I know this guy that makes it seem so easy. he hit’s sak’s hurricane, jabxxxfierce dp all the time. I’ve only seen him miss it once.
how about Maki’s jab medium hardpunch, down hard punch whiff grab, Standing Hk xx super. Never seen this done in person :wow:
that shit is pretty hard.
roll cancelling iori’s command grab is near impossible.
OMFG@@ A ghost. Sup Wraith welcome back.
I did it once unconsciously and got damn lucky. I went going thinking “hey I did that?!”, entered training mode and…well, it didn’t happen anymore, bleh.
Well, since I’m trying out A-Groove, shoshosho and paint the wall was pretty hard (not the ghetto way) to do consistantly ATM. Heck, all CCs to hard to do for me except for Kim’s . And I still find HCBx2 supers very annoying to do.