most people that complain about roll cancel cant do it and
there a few that can do it in the u.s that can really piss u off.
i dont understand how to do the glitch cant wait to somone at cf to do it…
This glitch will definitely not be allowed in tourneys. Akuma was an accessible character in ST but nobody complained because the code was banned, and look how long that game lasted.
Wow, this is EXACTLY the same glitch that was present in XSF, only it was lots easier to do then due to fewer characters and a simpler random procedure. It’s hard to believe that Capcom never took out this glitch, but I guess this accounts for why there hasn’t been a random selection option since XSF…
…what this says is, Capcom programmers are actually so lazy, that if there was ever a random select in any other game since XSF, we could have picked 2 of the same character. Two Sentinels in MvC2, godlike.
I gotta hand it to Shady K, this is a pretty cool glitch. Team SD keeps pumping out the Capcom secrets…first Shady fully explains roll cancellig for the masses, then theres the pushblock cancelling fully displayed in its first vid, now this. If I were you I’d stop leaking this stuff and just sell the info over the net, and make a fortune.
WTF I’m actually praising team SD. It’s hard not to though when they keep contributing to the SF community in big ways.
This definatly ought to be banned. Unless you don’t mind fighting 2 Blankas, Sagats, Cammys, Bisons, etc With 15 minutes of practice I’m getting decent at it. It’s easier than many in match moves that people pull off in other games (moves that require 1 or 2 frame timing that people land consistantly) because you can set the timing yourself. There’s not “in game” pressure either. Give someone a week or two with this and they’ll have it to an artform.
anyone get it to work on vs mode yet? or is it just arcade?
oh yes, because programming is SO EASY :lame:
is he saying that akuma is before sagat on the random rotation or on the character select screen. because if i start on ryu and go left to right then top to bottom, sagat is before akuma. sagat is right next to ryu and akuma is on the bottom row. but then i am going diagonally. i just don’t see how akuma is before sagat. on the vs screen akuma is before sagat
This game just went to the bottom of the list now. I hope it stays there.
But anybody can do it, right? Just like anybody could do an RC?! We must use this glitch because it makes the game even better! Now we don’t have to waste that 3rd character we can just pick Sagat/Blanka again!
I thought this would be impossible to do, but after a few tries it seemz not too difficult. I wonder if it will actually make a difference in da game havin’ 2 A-Groove Bison’z or some shit like that. :bluu:
I still don’t understand why a glitch in MvC2 is considered a good thing while a glitch in CvS2 is considered “broken”.
This guy is fucking dumb.
why would this be allowed in tourneys…it would be hella styuupid for it to be allowed…
im outi
For those who want to know the selection screen order… (US names and I assume you remove the console characters from the order if they aren’t available)
Geese, Joe, Todo, Rock, Iori
Rugal, Chang, Athena, Hoahmaru, Ryo
Terry, Kyo
Yamazaki, King, Hibiki, Mai, Zangief
Benimaru, Vice, Nakoruru, Sakura, Dhalsim
G. Rugal, O. IoriKim, Yuri, Morrigan, Cammy, Blanka
Raiden, Chun, Maki, Vega, Balrog
Ryu, Ken
Guile, Eagle, Kyosuke, Honda, Akuma
Sagat, Yun, Rolento, Dan, Bison
E. Ryu, S. Akuma
As you can see, it matches the select screen except for Console characters, Ryu/Ken, and Terry/Kyo
Because you can use this for any character! Just like RCs! If I want to give Hibiki invincibility frames on her qcf+p, bam! If I want to give Hibiki a 2nd spot on the team, boom!
Am I being sarcastic? I don’t really know…
To my knowledge, all lockdown/freeze and runaway glitches are banned from tournament play. I’ve never seen a (respectable) console tournament allow “pick 2 or 3 of the same characters” for MvC2 or CvS2.
What glitches were you talking about in MvC2 that were considered “good.” The first questions asked are usually “Is this policable?” and “Is this gamebreaking?” Roll Cancels are not easily policable. This is easy to police.
Hoonyo: re-read that last paragraph.
Just ban it. Really. People are making a big deal out of absolutely nothing at all. There is no good reason to allow this glitch, and unlike RC’s nobody could seriously argue that this is a part of the game or makes the game better. And unlike RC’s this is easy to detect.
Glitches get banned, this will get banned. Big fucking deal. Go find something else to cry like bitches about.
The only thing I’m not looking forward to is assuming Xbox live is any good - having to fight against scrub blanka, blanka, sagat teams all day long.
Derek Daniels
I was under the impression there was a way to blacklist people from the matchmaking. If not, just remember their names and never play them again.
The only people who will use the trick will be people who are informed enough to know about it, but at the same time a big enough prick to use it even though it has been banned.
I think this can be rather amusing in casual play or when playing with your friends. Especially with your friends. Use Sagat, Blanka, Blanka and just sit back and piss them off :evil:
This should be banned in tournaments though. We already know what teams they would be and each match would just be retarded.
Plus this is not exactly hard to do. I tried it for 5 minutes and I can get it everytime. It’s way easier than RCing IMO.
Hmmm I did mine differently then the video.
I did it by picking a character. then sagat. Then going off random select til akuma was the last one on random. then goto end then hit start as soon as I went back to random.
This was is really hard tho im gonna try the other way
I’ve only be able to copy Sagat and rock so far
bled across the wire
I agree. Things are gonna get really ugly, but that means that I’ll just have to get out a double Dan Sakura team!
If you can barely handle one Dan, think of TWO Dans!
About allowing it or not in tourneys…who gives a fuck if it is or not. If it is in the goddamn game…what can be done about it? Nothing. It doesn’t freeze the game, or anything like that, so to hell with it. Look at it as a bonus…or something. It’s not as bad as the infinites in MVSC2, in my opinion…because at least you still have a chance of beating someone. Once you are caught in an infinite by a skilled player, or a trap, you are fucking dead. Banning this won’t help anything…who cares…just use it if someone else does…that’s all.