Ahh, so that’s why it never works when I try to do it. Stupid me, thinking you could cancel s.rh into a lvl 1.
i cant believe this old ass thread is completely missing any cammy combos from SHORTS.
inbetween all that walking forward and mashing fierce, sometimes you’ll knock the other guy down.
most players just usually continue to do their walk forward + fierce/throw option select bs again from there, but as anyone has ever played against a cammy like that, hold back + mashing on fierce while in block gives the guy on defence an option select BLOCK+TECH THROW+THROW ATTEMPT.
so anyways, knowing that people do that, every now and then when you knock someone down with cammy try for this:
c.:lk: > c.:lp: xx :qcf:+:hk: or :qcf:x2+:k:
and if you’re fairly sure they’re blocking low or you’re fishing for a counter hit:
c.:lk: > c.:lp:x2 > c.:mk:
a one frame link, but its still a block string anyways.
instead of the c.mk ending, you can just end with running jab strings.
and here’s cammy’s highest-damage-no-meter-bnb:
c.:mp: > s.:mp: > spiral arrow
and finally a counter hit bnb (cammy’s c.mp is +7, so this is for running mp strings):
COUNTER HIT c.:mp: > s.:hk:
Wow Deus, thanks for the extra info. Kinda surprised that it took almost a year for this to pop up.
actually that type of knowledge is pretty old, it’s just that no1 bothers to post them up anymore.
btw you forgot c.short, c.jab, c.forward xx spiral arrow (yeah this is also a 1 frame link) but it also doesn’t need to be a counter hit.
:u: I guess you could say it’s something I hadn’t thought of. Besides, every little bit helps.
i think crouching short x2 into spiral arrow works too
but its pretty scrubby