Current bets for Justin wong Vs Magman Online/offline event

ok sure imma cheerleader but u have a pink magneto avatar:lol:

and trust me ur not pimpin:arazz:

we’re gonna need a DC copy of mvc1, or a laptop with the emulator…

i know someone with the dc version but i cant get in touch. dc discs are easy to burn, and there should be dreamcasts provided

Oh ok, and who is going to be at the tournament that is going to bet on Mag? I do cash, not this paypal boshit.

rofl That nigga just asked you to bust out the shorts. :rofl: so homo

update: baby jesus got the emulator covered.

just to let u know. remember to bring converters for the laptop. if anything nken could help out with this. his has absolutely no lag.

Play it on DC wtf are you guys trying to scheme.

Seriously. GET ON THAT DREAMCAST! Need me to get a dreamcast mvc1? I’ll get one.

Haha basically. Is there a difference from the DC and arcade version?

i’m not 100% about the dc version being accurate… if anything, arcade version(via emulator) would be the best route.

WTF at scheme, I’ll show both players the damn setup there, can disable ANY macros even the ones that couldnt be used.

As I said in the tourney thread, I’ll bring all the software + lagless converter that has 2 PS ports and we can use one of c3s desktops in the cave. If you’d rather go a different way its up to you but you’ve got a setup this way.

thanks bro, ill bring my converter and stick. baby jesus bringing the laptop, so this should be on.

I got $500 on Magneto Maniac


You going to be at c3? If not, stfu with your money. Niggas comin’ in here with $0 talkin’ about wanting $500 on a bet. Fuck outta here.

DC version is not that accurate, IIRC. There is a speed difference and no graphical lag as opposed to the CPS2 version, which screws up some (un)combos and somewhat weakens chip duos. I think certain things are either harder to do or don’t work at all on DC. Doesn’t anyone have an mvc1 board?

Regardless, I still like Justin on a non-cheater setup, whatever can be managed. NYC Terrors that shit. Even tho he wasn’t really an official terror…close enough.

you don’t talk like that IRL do you?

and yeah GTFO w/ that paypal shit.

Yeah I do, what’s good :wonder:

wtf ignorant fucks need to quit talking about cheater setups and shit, you can SEE all the settings in an emulator before you play its not that hard to inspect.

lol I’m not implying anything. Calm down. All I’m saying is the DC version wasn’t perfect. Whatever you can get done either using CPS2 or emulated that both guys can agree on will be fine, I’m sure. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.

Alex Monin is the truth!