Good video but this shit stresses me out because I can’t find cleaning supplies. :confused:

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The curve NEEDS to be flattened. Problem is, you got idiots that don’t wanna take the time to stay home to flatten it. Yeah, the economy got busted in the kneecaps but if we reopen every prematurely just because morons wanna put money over our lives, things will get real ugly real fast.

I actually read a comment on Facebook that was dangerously close to saying the economy > our health. Don’t know what kinda drugs people are on to have that kinda mentality. People want a quick fix. Guess what? There isn’t one. It was a gradual process getting into this mess so it is gonna be a gradual process getting out. Or do we have to have numbers like Italy in America for people to wake up and realize just how bad a pandemic can get?


their expecting this massive changeover by 5pm tomarrow. they basically are turning your local grocery store into a club. ri age wise is on the older side…so its gonna be hilarious watching people tell old people they gotta wait to enter.

the idea they are gonna hold employees to cdc guidelines in terms of cleanliness is gonna be crap. stores have been claiming to do this for months. i kept getting emails about different retail stores doing their best…i work in a mall part time so i literally see in real time how bullshit that stuff is.

they recommend pickup and delivery. if you dont already offer that i dont see that happening at all. especially if trump holds true to that easter promise

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I’ve already seen some grocery stores do it here, and without much problem. Like, Trader Joe’s was doing it a little over a week ago now.

I don’t even think it’s that hard to do since limiting the customers that come inside makes it easier for them to do their job anyway, since there’s just less people.


some of its easier than others. but they gave them 1 day to do all this is my thing.

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I mean, even if it takes a day or two to get used to it I don’t think it’s that hard to do what they’re asking honestly.

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Well it’s the best my company can do considering Covid tests aren’t widely available and probably stupidly expensive which is kinda why I can’t entirely shit on them. Plus this is everybody’s first time going thru some insane shit like this, it’s trail and error at this point :man_shrugging:t5:


I honestly don’t know how companies like mine can legit combat this, I heard most tests take a few days to get results and the way our schedule is, we work 14-21 days straight consecutively. They’d have to test everybody as soon as our off time starts.

And by then it’d be too late cuz you may have passed the virus to everybody on your boat. But I’m no expert so maybe there is a way that I’m just not seeing

No one cares about Chess.

The tournament should of been canceled outright.

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Sport? Lmfao


We really need the wtf button back.


^all these pieces of shit should be treated as harshly as possible in terms of legal consequences. Since she’s a woman and this is modern times, everything for her will be ok with little to no consequences, of course.

Everything in this wretched world is a fucking joke, really. Eventually it will all be over anyway.


Make an example out of her. Heavy fines and jail time.


More countries need to be like India :rofl:

Just some good ole fashion ass whooping


I’m partial to the italian solution of sending a drone screaming at you outta nowhere. :rofl:


I want to say she needs her ass whooped, but I’d love for something more permanent, like a charge and conviction that makes it more difficult for her to obtain employment in the future. If you’re this much of an asshole, you won’t contribute to society and you should die on the streets. The article said she’s already known to be a problem too. Realistically though, she won’t get more than a slap on the wrist. Like, do they even have a charge for that that’ll stand up in court?

On to other news:

If the Rona comes from whoever this is and takes the Pope it’s going to go down in history.

Oh boy, that slight cough I had is gone and no fever. But now I can barely taste anything and can hardly smell either. I do have seasonal allergies but I’m just gonna stay inside til then to be safe… :expressionless: #FML