Countdown to Season 2 Starts Now!

I agree with you Rain, if we can avoid the counter situation thats the best bet. Thats why its good you decided we declare our characters and stick with them too. The way you and Rcaido suggested we go about challenging our opponents is prob the best way to do it.

I’m going to be playing at Axel Kelly’s house for the team tournament, b/c my xbox is RRoDed, and under repairs atm. So we’ll both be playing under his account. I hope this doesn’t mess things up too much. For this case, maybe we can flip a coin or something to see who plays whom?

Yeah I forgot to mention Mongolo will be playing out of my Xbox too, since we will both be outta town in SD and only I have my Xbox on me. Will that matter to anyone?

Actually i was trying to say something else but that will work too hahaha…

Anyone can invite in a private room right?

So im saying for example Alex is 1st player & SweetPoison is 2 player. If SweetPoison sends an invite, it doesn’t necessary mean he’s the 1st player, Team2 will not know the actual order. Its up to team1 to decide who will be Player1 or Player2. Whoever is Player 1 will be the one who will automatically lose, so Player2 from Team 1 will play Player1 from Team 2.

Here’s the scenario
Alex & Sweet Poison decides who is going to start the room.
They choose Alex to make a 4 player room.
Alex teammate Sweet Poison Joins. They then choose who will make the invite
Sweet Poison make the invite to (Decoy)/Oski (Alex 1st player side & Sweet Poison 2nd player side)
Oski & Decoy will decide who will join first, do they think Alex is the 1st player or Sweet Poison…
They choose Oski H

So now we have Player 1 Alex, Player 2 SweetPoison, Player 3 Oski H, Player 4 will be Decoy
Player 1 Alex will lose automatically to SweetPoison, allowing SweetPoison vs Oski H to start.
Whoever wins that match will lose automatically to Decoy…So Decoy & Alex will now be all setup to match up next.

Does that make sense, cuz the problem with your scenario is that the only way Alex & Sweet knows Team 2 is in the room is if they have a mic…From my experience not everyone has a mic…

I still need a partner. The first responder to this post or the one in the WWL HDR New Year’s Throwdown thread will be on the team.

  • Pete

I’m going to have to drop out of this, something came up for Friday.

EDIT: So I see its on Sat. I got shit that night to.

ImmortalBMW / Damdai (Vega / Ken) (Team Pretty Boy)
DeMavrick / Afrolegends (Bison / Boxer) (Not confirmed) (Team Psycho Punch) NEEDS TO BE CONFIRMED TODAY
Bruce Askew / DGV (Bruce has a couple options… / Ryu) (Not confirmed) (Team Android…)NEEDS TO BE CONFIRMED TODAY
TheloTheGreat / DJI SRK (Honda / Guile) (Team Down… no, they’re Team Quebec…)
Silver Rain 007 / The Aqua Snake (Cammy / Fei) (Team Most Underappreciated Characters)
Alex6x6x6 / Sweet Poison (Honda / Sim) Team Fatboy Slim
ST1FFPETER/ Geneijin87 (Sagat / Boxer) (Team Pelvic Spiral)
Real Decoy / OSKI H (Blanka / Chun-Li) (Team Taste the Soup)
Marsgatti2009 / JigglyNorris (Guile / Hawk) (Team Sonic Typhoon)
Mariodood / Kisaris (Sagat / Claw) (Team Mid-Boss)
Akae47 / Shunthanos (Chun li/Fei Long) (Team Poke low alot)
RoyalPhlush / Snake Eyes (? / ?) (Team Darkness Falls) Characters need to be confirmed TODAY
Stealthysocks / Baklakiller (Boxer / Zangief) (Team Cap vs. Com)
CVital / naricisuss ceaser (Dhalsim / Guile) (Team Sonic Noogie)
PNCTIGGER / Jeanghis (Fei Long / Sagat) (Team Biggie Smallz)
NGE KrazyTiger / Roll n Throw (DJ / DJ) (Team Double DJ) (I didn’t say explicitly that they couldn’t pick the same character… so I’m rewarding their ability to read the rules by allowing it but no one else!)
Zass30 / Axel Kelly (Bison / Guile) (Team Seattle Shit Talkers)
BlueTallCans / Mongolorobokop (Blanka / Chun-Li) (Team Beauty and the Beast)
MisterEgoTrip / Hop Vo (E. Honda / Ryu or Chun-Li) (Second player needs to be confirmed TODAY)
SMG00 / PimpsirRichard (Bison / Ken) (Team Shadoyuken)

For the teams using 1 XBOX. I know Zass is one and BTC and ROBOKOP are another. That’s fine. I mean in theory you could TOTALLY game this. But if we go with the system we discussed where 1A invites 2A and then in this case 1B. 1A and 2A will pick in their match who they want to go first and whoever is sitting in B’s living room will pick who gets the stick first. I’m trusting that there won’t be weird stuff going on because I know you guys and you’re all for real so I’m not too worried about it.

Oh and if you don’t like the name I gave your team, tough. You should have submitted one sooner :lol:

How dare you change the name of Team Pelvic Spiral to this horrendous Shadaloo! See my earlier posts for the much sexier name.
I am going to use Sagat, not Solid Gold, for this tournament.

  • Pete

I guess that’s true. But I’m not sure it makes a difference. If one person sends the invite, they don’t know necessarily that that’s who they’re going to fight. I mean once the invites are sent start the match. I mean its best 3 of 5 rounds so that gives everyone minimum of 30 seconds to accept invite. If we need to we can say make sure each setup match at the start takes 60 seconds. Let the timer get down to 85 before beating up your partner.

All I know is I want to make sure I get recordings of Team Sonic Noogie (always a pleasure watching another Sim play) and Team Pelvic Spiral (cant wait to see a high level Sagat play). I got dibs on recording these guys. :slight_smile:

The team you want to record is Team Most Underappreciated Characters!

We’re going to make Sirlin proud reppin’ the Fei and Cammy.

I HATE PLAYING CAMMY. Have I told you, I HATE PLAYING CAMMY. Such a stupid matchup for Sim due to her safe BS moves. Not even going to derail this thread about it. lol But hey if I have to record you I will. :slight_smile:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE record all the matches, someone! This is looking to be epic.

There simply won’t be enough recorders to get them all, but we’re going to do our best to make sure we get as many of the top 8 teams as possible.

Of course Norieaga you do realize if you found a partner you could be PLAYING these people instead of WATCHING.

Sure we can…it just might take longer than we want but it is possible. I plan on recording right after my team is done with its matches. And actually since Alex and I are on the same team we can get enough people recorded until it is our turn again. Obviously the first round will be tough and the first round of losers will be tough to get all matches but after that you technically could string along the matches so that you can get most if not all. It is possible.

I really wanted to enter this tournament but I’ve been having joystick issues for over a month and just stopped playing. I ordered a new one but probably won’t have it until a couple weeks or so :bluu:

Good luck to all those participating and looking forward to the match videos.

DGV hasn’t been on SRK for like a week so I have no partner.

So I’m probably just going to drop out.

Bruce, I’m still looking for a partner, if you needed one.

Norieaga, I’ll partner with you with my Honda. Pick whichever character of yours does better against Guile or DJ and we’ll be fine :smiley:

Team name: Rick James

RickClops - Honda

Jameswalton101 - Ryu