Countdown to Season 2 Starts Now!

Team Evolution is here!

Please feel free to download tonight’s bracket for refernce throughout the tournament tonight! Good luck!

So this sucks because this tournament looked really fun but I’m not going to be able to make it tonight.


Hopefully since you did the brackets by team name nomrah is allowed to just plug someone else in.

James said we need to notify you that we’re playing on the same console? We can’t connect at the same time lately for some reason.

Hey rain so Mongolorobokop can’t sign in from the tournament he is at. I still want to play in this, so if it will make it run smoother to take me out or plug in a partner for me I will do whatever just let me know.


Akae needs a partner

Damnit, I’m still stuck at that MTLSF Nemesis tourney, and since I’m in winners final in HD Remix I can’t exactly quit right now, so I’ll be a bit late. Sorry!!

Edit: UGH! That tourney ran absurdly late and made me miss the entire WWL team tourney. It was supposed to be at 2pm and ended up being 7:00~11:30 pm, wtf. I am upset beyond words.

At least I won it.

I hope everyone knows they’re supposed to be in the chatroom.

Here are the finals between Team Beauty and the Beast vs Seatle Shit Talkers. I would have had the rest up but youtube has been acting strange. Enjoy


Team Beauty and the Beast (Immortalbmw - Vega), (BlueTallCans - Blanka);
Seatle Shit Talkers (Zass30 - Bison), (Axel Kelly - Guile)

Match 1: Immortalbmw (Vega) vs Zass30 (Bison)
Match 2: BlueTallCans (Blanka) vs Axel Kelly (Guile)
Match 3: Immortalbmw (Vega) vs Axel Kelly (Guile)

Nice. Anyone got the final standings for every team? Match 2 was especially impressive, Blanka is supposed to be a tough match for Guile.

Really dissapointed that my internet took a shit. I really know for a fact Mars and I would’ve caused an upset.

You didnt think Guile had a tough time against Blanka? I actually felt bad for Bluetallcans. Granted he took the match the distance but man you have to have some serious patience in that matchup. Be it Blanka or Guile. That was an intense fight. Wait until I put up the matchup of Guile vs Zangief. If I were Baklakiller I would have exploded. I almost felt that Guile vs Zangief is tougher than Dhalsim. I am uploading those on youtube as we speak.

But yeah those were some good fights.


Team Evolution vs Seatle Shit Talkers

Team Evolution (Hop Vo - Ryu), (MisterEgoTrip - E.Honda)
Seatle Shit Talkers (Axel Kelly - Guile) , (Zass30 - M.Bison)

Match 1: Hop Vo (Ryu) vs Axel Kelly (Guile)
Match 2: MisterEgoTrip (E.Honda) vs Zass30 (M.Bison)
Match3: Hop Vo (Ryu) vs Zass30 (M.Bison)

Silver Rain 007 ended up doing single elimination since there were many no shows. So it was one and done if you lost.


Team BaklaKiller vs Seatle Shit Talkers

Team BaklaKiller - (BaklaKiller - Zangief), (Sweet Poison - Vega)
Team Seatle Shit Talkers - (Axel Kelly - Guile), (Zass30 - M.Bison)

Match 1: Axel Kelly (Guile) vs BaklaKiller (Zangief)
Match 2: Zass30 (M.Bison) vs Sweet Poison (Vega)

Bakla’s original team mate disappeared. So for him not to get dq’ed I fill in for him.

Team Beauty and the Beast vs. Team Rick James

Part 1: Bluetallcans (Blanka) vs. RickClops (Honda)


Part 2: Immortalbmw (Vega/Claw) vs. Jameswalton101 (Ryu)



Team Fatboy Slim vs Team Pelvic Spiral

Match1: alex6x6x6 (E.Honda) vs GeneiJin87 (Balrog)
Match2: Sweet Poison (Dhalsim) vs St1ffPeter (Sagat)
Match3: Sweet Poison (Dhalsim) vs GeneiJin87 (Balrog)


bumping so people use this instead of season 1 thread >.<
orochizoolander said he wants to join

So can I sign up for season 3 now, since s2 is underway?