Connecting 2 SAII's

its diffcult to land, period.

what does more stun/damage… Jumpinh hk or hp?

obviously the jumping hp does more stun and damage (about 3% more).

Solution to the axe kick follow up, and guessing which way your opponent will fall.

If u were to use med punch fukiage instead of fierce, your guarnteed to have the opponent fall the same direction. Meaning you wont get turned around.

But what i do is use the fierce fukiage, and then cancel into a super STRAIGHT jump into roundhouse axe.

But this is all newb shit.
U want real skill that dishes out 98% stun on every character (excluding Q) if not full bar stun.

After your first HP fukiage (dp), cancel into an ex dp. Or should i say the frame after the hp dp finishes do the ex dp.
What makes this so tough is that the opponent can fall either foward or backward… meaning you’d have to have quick reaction to see the direction in which to do the ex dp.

This works on every character EXCEPT:
Yun, Yang, Hugo, and Oro.

Doing as to what i call the “double dp” gives out 98% on ryu… which is the standard bar.
Obviously on Q and elena u just do the kara jab dp which inflicts 100% on elena and 98% on Q.

Well I’ve written too much.

I didnt think u could connect to SA 2 but I use when my opponent is in the corner and then go for a n EX Hukiage into jumping forward kick or Tsurugi with forward kick or I’ll do jumping forwardo kick or Tsurigi with forward kick into a strong punch Hayate plus this is da only time u can link an Oroshi but i think only an Ex version

Check out those vids on video opera done by RX. Those show all the set ups and GOOD ways to use SA 2 twice and not like you noobs suggest. jk

MID screen

hcb+k, b+f, sa2 fierce kick, super jump f+ hcb+mk, DASH standing mp. Ends first juggle but opponent is still in there airthen SA 2 which catches them in the air misses the 2nd hit but gets them with the last 2 then super jump f+ hcb+mk, DASH qcf+fp twice or the Dp+mp twice or one time then dash back and forth with a jab 4 times…

Dont even say its not possible because i just described to you what RX did without using the names…And if you dont know who RX is then well your foolish
NOTE: the 2nd sa2 will only work if the opponent forgets to parry



Add H infront of both * copy and paste link

and if that doesnt work heres the main site scroll down