Congratulations SonicHuman on your upcoming kid!

In what way? It is no different than just being a passive observant of any occurrence. Being in an environment with noises is equally as stimulating. Even most toys are not particularly useful for brain development in infants. Manipulating common everyday objects can be equally as stimulating at that age.

Without an active ability to analyze the complexity that they are sensing it is a worthless investment. Better off saving that money for future music lessons or other educational expenses.

Take from someone who introduced a kid to Sonic, he or she will likely still like the garbage ones. If they like the character enough they find something to like about it. My nephew managed to enjoy Sonic 4 episode 1, Forces, Advance 3 and put almost triple digit hours in the Adventure games.


Well the plan is to introduce the genesis trilogy first before anything else. If it chooses to like the really garbage stuff then thats fine but at least it’ll understand how the good ones play first and go from there.

Also definitely gonna have it play Mario so it can have good platforming 101 skills. My wife never really played a 2d mario game and it is really clear in her coordination for doing simple jumps in just about any game.

We take this stuff for granted because its been ingrained into us from day one so its beyond awkward watching someone play who doesnt have it.


I did much of the same. I introduced him to Sonic 2 and went from there. Went 2, 3, CD and the Advance games. Introducing the 3D games once he got a decent handle on playing games.

I never got around to getting him into classic Nintendo. I settled on what was already available on the 3DS, Wii U and now Switch.


Welcome to the dad life, I have an 18 month old daughter and hopefully soon another on the way. I got tips and strats if you need help, IMO the first 6 months as a new parent are the most brutal.


I have no doubt it’s going to be rough and I might ask if and when I start hitting those speed bumps. I’m going in blind and I’m going to attempt to ride the wave as best as I can but I’m certain the kid isn’t going to let that happen.


Congrats man be a proud dad!!


As a dad the most frustrating thing you will get for said kid is those playpens or bouncy toys seats. instructions be damned! Congrats my good sir and hope the little speed ball has spin dash as a upgrade soon :slight_smile: