The Bipolar Flamer: @Mood4food77, Master of Fire
The Devil of the Corrupted Lake: @BullDancer, Master of Water
The Crazed, Metallic Pundit: @locoghoul, Master of Magnets Metal
The Lord of Rage: @“po pimpus”, Master of Dragons
The Champion: ???
Rules: No Legends, Ultra Beasts, or Guardian Deities can be used by any challengers or the E4 (Champ may have one though), Challenger is Team-Locked until they wins all matches or falls in battle, SRK Banlist still applies.
Making it Normal would stop the trend of safe hit and run. Similar to how Storm/Cable was in MvC2. Also how strong is normal anyway? Ghost yeah they don’t need more buffs but they already resist u-turn anyway.
also we making fakemons?
Ghost Steel w/Unaware
150 / 5 / 130 / 95 / 130 / 5
Stealth Rocks
Rapid Spin
some kind of support that doesn’t car much for burns.
Normal has fewer resistances than bug, plus Ghost is immune to Normal, which would stop the turn from happening in the first place and give the ghost a free turn, much like what happens when a ground comes in on a Volt Switch.
Plus Ambipom and Staraptor would become nightmares.
I love Ambipom. If that thing was viable in OU consistently that would be amazing.
So I am thinking that the only way to make a create a Mon equal is to dumb down the BST limit the moves or abilities it could learn or do both while imposing a limit to the max and min you could invest in each stat.