Comeback Mechanics Hurt Beginners

Ultras aren’t a good mechanic by any stretch, but the 5-frame reversal window makes matters much worse. More than a few bnbs/blockstrings have 1-frame link timing, and if you’re off by a hair you eat a DP/Ultra. Why are combos so timing-intensive for so little damage? Meanwhile, that lead that you’ve been working your butt off to maintain can be jeopardized by a mashed Ultra. I’m fine with reversal supers in fighting games, but the losing player should still have to work on timing their input. The fat reversal window really hurts the effectiveness of meaties, too.

The reversal window doesn’t take into account Ultra, since many have high enough start up that you can block them. The only reason Vega’s is considered a reversal is that it has i-frames on start up, allowing it to beat meaty attacks on wake up. If for example, someone is -1 on block, you can’t throw it out like a reversal, since the 7 frames of start up means you’re negative 6 frames before they could do something else. They have plenty of time to block. You kind of have to be obvious when getting hit by it, basically, completely disrespecting his wake up game, not that isn’t hard to do in the first place. A true reversal with i-frames would hit them between negative and the start up of the next attack in their false block string, because there is a 5 frame buffer? I think. I’m not 100% sure on that, stuff like that doesn’t quite make sense to me how it works.

But yeah, having 1 frame link combos fucking sucks. So unreliable in the heat of the moment and a single dropped one means SPD or DP knock down then the wake up game. SF4 is probably the most complicated SF I’ve ever played and shit like Ultra and Focus Attack pisses me off to no end. Just give everyone the tools to win, no comeback factor, no lame cinematics, no unreliable combos, and everyone would have equal ground to play and win.

I dont mind ultras. They’re not that damaging really unless hit raw. If fadc into theyre quite heavilly scaled.

I agree, the reversal window is way more damaging for newcomers than any Ultra.

As a fellow main, I can relate. Vega just didn’t have a comeback mechanic, his U1 is ass and once people caught on to U2, it became almost impossible to land it. Can’t ultra off of combos, can’t FADC into it, can juggle into it…just…ass.

How so?

It’s more popular now than it ever was among hardcore fans. If you’re referring to a world-wide craze, then SF2 was more popular because it was ground-breaking and no one had ever played anything like it. I’m not sure what you mean.

Seems like everything hurts beginners these days.

Its not just SF2 though. That huge 10000 entrant sfa3 tourney took place in '98. Obviously thats an extreme incident, but something like that happening at all shows that there was a high level of interest in the series for a while after SF2 and there still is now. I think that SF4 would have been popular without ultras; people just like the series and its characters.

Haha, yeah! You can’t really Ultra off combos with him, unless it’s a counterhit. The reactions needed for that is a bit extreme though, since we’re talking counterhit cr.MK and you have to KNOW it’s going to be a counter before doing it to actually cancel into U2. You can now RFADC into it, but that costs 3 meters and your Ultra meter, and that’s only off RCF or cl.HK/HP on the first hit of those normals, making it essentially useless in high level play.

It’s infuriating to see people get FADC off an anti-air or able to combo into Ultra, and have all the tools in the book and they’re mid-tier characters as well. Plus, they have easy and reliable links for close encounters. Vega should be able to at least U1 off a single hit ST, and if they’re feeling nice, to be able to juggle ST into U1. Even on a trade, ST launches motherfuckers into the sky, lol. You should be able to tech wake up and juggle. How many DP style attacks get to FADC Ultra on a trade? C’mon!

As a comeback mechanic, neither of them are any good. U2 for AA sometimes, or when the opponent is being stupid. I mean you have to be really stupid to get hit by it. I definitely don’t feel like I’m playing the same game as anyone who uses the rest of the cast when using Vega, lol.

Roger that, Asterisk.

Or maybe, just maybe, the window for performing combos should be more lenient than 1/60th of a second (or two frames if you plink) so that players aren’t dropping them all over the place (even Daigo drops E.Ryu combos and Sako drops Elena combos all the time).

I just want to clarify that the most recent Smash DOES have a universal comeback mechanic called “Rage” which triggers at high damage percentages.

smash isnt a fighting game though

I’m not sure why you all have such trouble defeating a newbie who is sitting on ultra meter, its like a little kid with money in their pocket. they cant wait to spend it. The fact that the meter is there teaches you patience when they have it. It makes the game more challenging, not less.

How is it not?


Hahaha! @Tali got a bite! Reel’em in!

I still think they should implement some sort of “lock-out” system for reversal windows. If you mistime the reversal you get locked out for doing any kind of reversal (but you can still everything else just not specials, EX or supers) for a good…1-3 seconds. Have the reversal window set to 4 frames.

anything that helps the inferior player is bad. It’s bad for everyone including the scrub. Comeback mechanics just create lazy players

I could with more cinematics though. But they have to be good. Always fun to watch are Juri’s Kaisen Dankairaku, Russian skies, Breathless.