Clocktower Tournament @ Fairfield, CA Feb. 5th:MvC2/SSF4/TvC/HDr/CvS2

aww yeaa aww yea…



more stuff

Arcana Heart 3

  1. Tsubasa
  2. Tone
  3. Coopa
  4. xX_soulja_strifeSSJXx
  5. pNp poopfeast
  6. Saiko-Ray
  7. Prem
  8. Embers Red
  9. Skubator
  10. Manabe
  11. Copperdabbit
  12. Turtlemon
  13. Dacidbro
  14. Shway
  15. OrionxElite
  16. Sylvais
  17. blk_mage
  18. Crosell
  19. Motel Vacaville
  20. Mystic D

Blazblue Continuum Shift

  1. Dacidbro
  2. Copperdabbit
  3. Coopa
  4. Embers Red
  5. blk_mage
  6. Sylvais
  7. OrionxElite
  8. Crosell
  9. Soniti
  10. Tone
  11. Mystic D
  12. Nate
  13. Turtlemon
  14. Skubator

GG’s guys. Thank you for the games. Tihn and Shawn, I’m coming for you guys. :slight_smile:

Shoutouts to Tihn!

Thanks to everyone who came out today. Hope everyone had fun, and keep coming the next time we hold this thing!

Capcom vs. Seahorse (TvC)
Round Robin, 11 entrants

1st. Phampy
2nd. KBeast
3rd. Tie between Honor and Will Thomas

Xsk samurai ggs bro! Next time I’ll be better prepared for ya!

-shoutouts to Tinh!!!

Thnx to all of you for coming to this! Without all of your help this tourney would not have been as hype as it was!


So, I was thinking today about MvC2, and why not have a bid adieu to one of the greatest games ever made before MvC3 hits? I’m thinking we have it on a short-notice turnout for February 5th, along with whatever games we wanna run, how’s that sound?

Sorry, no Dreamcast though, I want this strictly ps3/360 for MvC2

If you do it on feb 5th, it’s pretty much gonna just be SSFIV/TVC/MVC2, which is alright I guess. Won’t be there to run BB/AH3 cause NCI is on the same date.

Hmm…I guess I didn’t see any post of NCI on here. Dustloop perhaps? Sorry to have a conflicting date :frowning:

Edit: Troll Flyer

Ok you guys, this is about a week away and I’ve got quite a few changes from the last tournament already. And now, by popular demand, we are adding CvS2 and lowtier Marvel in the lineup! I’ll update the first post with the rules…

lowtier Marvel!!!

please post up a banned list thnx.

sorry guys ill be working on this day BUT at the next RAMnation all of my plugs/tv’s/xbox360 will be taken that night so that they can be used at the tourney. Ill stop on by after work to see the result of the day!

good luck to all


k guys, lets make this a good one, cuz I might not run another for awhile after this (even with mvc3) cuz i need to be getting more serious with school. I can, however, continue on a weekly basis for MvC3 ranbats if people wanna donate their time every so often 8P

Ill be there

Me and my friend will be there, but we have a couple of questions. This is basically our first tournament we are going to, so if these are noob questions, please excuse us. Our first question is ‘Will this be a BYOC type tournament? If not, what controllers will be provided?’, second question is ‘Will there be any casuals before and after the tournament?’ Thanks in advance for answering these questions!

Won’t be there as stated, but good luck everyone D:

Well it’s pretty much BYOC during tourney, but I’m sure there’s always people around who will let you borrow a joystick if needed (if your lookin to use a game pad, it’'s best to bring your own). As for casuals, there will be setups both before and after the tourney, depending on what game you want to play (SSF4 i presume?).

Damn I need to hit this up before MvC3 gets released! Unfortunately I have no working car…

Is there anyone attending the tourney who is going to be passing by San Francisco? If you can give me a lift I can give you gas money…OR I can let you crash at my place so you can attend the MvC3 LAUNCH EVENT on Feb 10th and take advantage of the free booze to your heart’s content! Friends don’t let friends drive drunk!

aye thats hella wack the mvc3 thang is 21 and up

magno u think they will let me in if im 20 and turning 21 in a few months?

shit im finna ask em on unity fuck it

I should be there for ssfiv and I might troll that low tier mvc2