Despite the thoughts of dick riders and haters that throw slings and arrows behind computer monitors. Despite the overwhelming omnipresence of mutual masturbation and herd mentality. I will continue the guide. I will be uploading some pics for reference in a bit. Need to clarify some things and add more character-specific strategy. Again, this is an open forum. I’m not a Clark God but if you main the character or shit even just play against a lot of Clark’s then feel free to add shit. This may be the only subforum where no one contributes anything.
Note: I will be editing the main pages in a bit. This post shows what changes I will be making.
Clark’s AA game:
Jump Grab: You have to be roughly two character spaces away (Show example) from them in order to use it on reaction and even then it’s tricky. If they do an early jump CD for example I want to say there’s a good 50/50 chance that the jump grab will land or not. So it’s all dependent on your reaction time and the player your up against.
This game does not have a kind of “A beats B. B beats C. C beats D.” kind of design. Some of that is there with Mexican Uppercuts but there’s no clear strategy to what beats what. Does that make sense?
Jump Away CD is a good answer to jump in pressure except for certain jump in attacks. Specifically CD’s that have a lot of range like Takuma/Karate’s jCD, Kyo’s jCD, Goro’s jCD, etc. Their jump ins will 9 times out of 10 beat your jump away CD.
So with this in mind, how do you counter a character like Mr. Karate or Kyo/EX Kyo who are going to be aggressive as hell and whose jump ins are easily the best in the game? And there’s no real answer to that other then trying to stop their pressure to begin with. You have four options altogether:
Guard Cancel CD: Spending a bar might just be worth it, especially if they’re close to the corner and you can pin them down. Guard Cancelling is absolutely essential if you’re in the corner and getting pressured on wakeup.
stA: Again, it depends on how close you are to them and overall reaction time. If you are within say 2 character spaces this is a good AA option.
A Gatlin’: It will definitely AA but it’s entirely dependent on timing. They can bait you to do it too early and you’re free, do it too late and their jump in will blast you.
AB Roll away/toward: This is dependent on how close they are when they land. If they land earlier then you rolled, you’ll be close enough to where they can body you. However, if you rolled early enough and you’re about 1 and half character spaces away (show range of EX SAB) and they try to follow through with a crB or whatever. You can EX SAB them and follow through. But they could just as well bait you to do that and jump in again. It’s all reactionary.