Chun-Li Thread

The timing for neutral jumping air Spinning Bird Kick is just too wacky for me to do consistently, so I never try it, but yeah, if you’re good enough to get it all the time, go for it!

I never exactly understood how to do the air SBK…can someone explain that to me? The only way I’ve ever read it explained to me was “charge down for one second, then press up-forward/up-back+kick”, but that doesn’t seem right at all.

The command for the Spinning Bird Kick is charge back for a second, then towards plus kick.

Doing a jump back SBK is easy because obviously you just charge back, jump up back, then hit towards+kick in the air. Doing neutral jumping air SBK is more tricky. You have to charge back or down/back, then QUICKLY hit straight up, then towards+kick. The timing is pretty strict.

I spent a few minutes in training mode tonight to see if I could do this move. I didn’t get it once. I was however able to get an air SBK that went forward fairly often by doing this.

  1. Get in corner and charge back
  2. Jump up/back
  3. Quickly, bounce forward off the wall and hit K

I don’t really plan Chun all that much, so I didn’t even realize you could do this :confused: Is there any practical usage of that? Can it help get you out of the corner, or are you more likely to get smacked down trying to do it?

Naw, its just meter building in certain situations. You gain a lot of meter. Meter building in ST was always fun and style, unlike what you mainly see in cough cough 3s …

Serves no other purpose I know of. And as a corner escape move, highly doubt youll get away w/ it.

NKI, I have a couple of questions about your awesome Chun Li wiki if you have a free moment.

1.) Under the Ground Pokes/Footsies section, you say that her cr.RH has more range than her cr.Forward, but when I’ve tested this for myself, they either seem dead even or the difference in range is so miniscule that I can’t tell a difference. Is there something I’m missing? :sweat:

2.) In the Advanced Strategy --> Corner Awareness section, it’s written that throwing an opponent into a corner can result in them teching and landing so fast that you can get punished in response. But in an [media=youtube]TBQRRUo2KIA[/media] game, Dic techs two corner throws (00:19, 00:21) and Chun Li still comes out unscathed, retaining the initiative. Can Dic be considered an exception to the corner-throwing rule because of his unusually long and floaty recovery from throw techs?

Actually, that was my bad. The cr.Forward has more range than the cr.RH. It has been updated in the Wiki.

The reason is because she didn’t throw him from point blank range. Even though Dic was in the corner, Chun was about half a step away when she threw him. If she had thrown him from point blank range, Dic could have gotten a reversal throw for free. I’ve updated the Wiki to reflect that it must be from point blank range.

Thanks for catching those two. I’m glad people are actually reading some of that stuff. :smile:

Not only are we reading it, we’re completely eating it up, because it’s so full of high-level information and extremely well-written to boot.

I have a question about a specific issue with Chun vs. Blanka. In the Chun Li wiki, vs. Blanka section, it’s said that, “Unless she has meter, Blanka can safely do the ball against her…” However, in the Blanka wiki, Advanced Strategy section, under “Using Blanka Balls with Caution,” it says: “Here is a list of attacks that can hit you AFTER your opponent blocks a Blanka Ball […] Chun can walk forward and press FP”

Which one is right, the Chun Li wiki or the Blanka wiki? I’ve never been able to do the walk-up Fierce hit after a blocked ball nor a bunch of the other things on that list, but I suck, so that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Also, NKI, are you still taking requests for specific character Chun Li matchup strategies to be put into the wiki? :bgrin:

Thanks. :smile:

Hahaha…actually, we’re both wrong. Chun can’t do walk-up st.Fierce, but while I was testing it, I found that she can do walk-up st.Strong. This will only work if she STAND blocks the Ball, because crouching hit-stun/block-stun is longer than standing hit-stun/block-stun.

Sorry about that. I’ve updated the Wiki.

Hrm…I guess so, but I can’t make any promises about how soon I’ll get to it…:confused:

chamu’s chun li isn’t half bad (on x-mania 7 dvd)

very cute to boot :wgrin:

Hey, could someone make a list of what anti-airs are good against what characters? I realized the other day that I didn’t know a good anti-air VS. Claw, and I’d rather not lose just because someone can jump in on me all damn day.

Nah, I know that…Perhaps more embarassingly, I don’t know what to do about jumping fierce…or any of his jump-ins that aren’t wall dives, for that matter :frowning:

I haven’t been playing st for too long, so I’m no expert by any mean, anyway jump straight short stops him cold, but you have to somehow predict it, because of how fast his jump is. Chances are sometimes he’ll be close enough so he can jump at you and you have no time to jump, in that case s.forward (the close version) MAY trade (i feel it’s a 50-50 situation, but I don’t know really), in that case I tend to block and get ready to tech/reverse after the cr.strong he’ll most likely throw out.
If he manages to jump in on you (and you blocked his jump in), things don’t look too good, you have to guess right what will come next: cr.strong or throw and you have no low charge.
If you’re feeling lucky you could stick out an anti-air s.forward, if it trades the damage trade is in his favour but you got him off you, if it doesn’t trade… good luck.
One last thing, don’t ever use upkicks against vega(claw)'s jumpins, but you probably already noticed that.

Again i’m not a pro, nor have I been playing for years, so I guess some of the older players can give you better advice, my info should be 100% correct though.

nooby queston, sorry

can’t chun store her super in the ae version?
wouldn’t work on the xbox version yet have no difficult doing it in the st rom

you have to hold start (or whatever the alternative is on the xbox) while selecting ST mode. You’ll know it worked 'cos it makes a different sound. You can alos do it when selecting Super mode.

Does anyone know the combination for the chain/renda canceling for Chun-Li’s super? I have seen it a lot in combo videos, but I dont know how it works. The combination i see the most is (close)st.jab->st.jab->cr.jab xx super. If someone can get more specific notation to this (especially which button to kara-cancel), it would be very helpful.

NKI… I’m counting on you to figure this out.

charge :l: :r: :l: :r: st.jab x2, cr.jab xx any kick button, no renda kara cancelling.
It’s like, for example, balrog’s cr. jab x2, s.jab xx high rush.

Thank you for that, saves me a lot of trouble trying to do stuff that wont work :P. Although i requested NKI’s help, this is the answer I was looking for. You have gained the blessings of the Bum King!

I need some help on midscreen combos on dizzied opponents.
B’nB j.RH, s.FP xx FP fireball doesn’t work on some chars, off the top of my head: chun, dic and it’s real hard (for me at least) on claw.
I know I can do j.RH, s.SP, cr.RH but I’d rather use some non-link combos, for example I use cr.FW xx RH upkicks damage isn’t that lower, it still knocks down and has 99.99% success rate but something fancier (and more damaging) would be cool.

On dic I go for j.RH, s.SP xx FP fireball, is that ok?
Chun is like… nuts, nothing works on her, I gave up any hope.

I don’t know if that made sense but anyway I pretty much need a list of working midscreen practical combos for every character.

so far I got:

-Ryu: j.RH/FP, s.FP xx FP fireball

-Ken: j.RH/FP, s.FP xx FP fireball

-Honda: j.RH/FP, s.FP xx FP fireball

-Chun: crossup j.RH, cr. FW xx lighting legs / cr.SK xx RH upkicks (cr.FW will make upkicks wiff -_-)

-Blanka: j.RH/FP, cr.SP xx FP fireball (cr. FW will do too)

-Zangief: j.RH/FP, s.FP xx FP fireball

-Guile: j.RH/FP, s.SP xx any fireball

-Dhalsim: j.RH/FP, s.FP xx FP fireball

-T. Hawk: j.RH/FP, s.FP xx FP fireball

-Cammy: j.RH/FP, s.FP xx FP fireball

-Fei Long: j.RH/FP, s.FP xx FP fireball

-Deejay: j.RH/FP, s.FP xx FP fireball

-Boxer: j.RH/FP, s.FP xx FP fireball

-Claw: j.RH/FP, s.SP xx FP fireball (B’nB works but it’s super hard for me, I think I got it once)

-Sagat: j.RH/FP, s.FP xx FP fireball

-Dictator: j. RH/FP, cr.SP xx FP fireball (s.SP is also doable but cr. SP is MUCH more consistent for me)

are those correct?

Link combos such as J.RH, s.SP, cr.RH or j.RH, s.SP, s.FP work on all characters, also her b’nb works on everyone in the corner.

anything I’m missing?

Strats against Guile and Shotos

Hey guys. I was reading NKI’s excellent Chun-Li wiki guide, and I really am learning a ton from it. :clap:

But can someone please provide some strategies against Guile and the Shotos? (NKI, I’m looking to you to complete the guide :wink: )

The guide says she has advantages over Guile, does fairly against Ken, and has a hard time against Ryu. I can probably understand some stuff to do against Ken, but I’m having a major difficulty against Guile.

Against Guile, I have a hard time getting close, since he can keep Chun away with sonic booms, his crouching kicks, and his flash kicks. He also puts pressure by j.fwd mk. Then I feel totally pressured in the corner as he throws more sonic booms, which sucks because she has to charge fireballs or turtle.

And Ryu… Well, it’s Ryu. :sweat: Any help there?

Thanks in advance!