I’ll try and make it out, depending on whats up with my change
This is pretty much true.
C3 is in the middle of nowhere unless you got a car I guess, and 99.9% of new york doesn’t… sooo…
I would much rather walk the 20 minutes over the bridge to CF, get chip ins on a bottle, go to the liquor store, cop said bottle, and relax at my home turf.
I mean, thanks for your complete lack of etiquette.
Ummm… I wasn’t being serious. I doubt anyone going to this would rather drive 4 hours to play the same games. Anyone that would, would probably need slightly more coaxing than my cry of “C3!!!”
At least a link.
That’s my guess anyway.
youre still cool hav everyone is cool
just come to my tourney local players
if i dont get at least 20 people to show up my mom is going to beat me up
faggot hearts full and crap vs shit 2, i might swing by
I dunno, I just don’t like when people try to do something with the local arcade and someone has to come in like “CF SUCKS” yeah no shit it sucks. But we’re trying at least.
Seriously though guys, if you’re local, and you like CvS2 or you’re wondering what’s the big deal with that Arcana Heart game, please come to this. :wgrin:
sorry people named walter padilla are banned
wow thats mean
i go to cf after work anyway so i’ll check it out even though i don’t play those games
thanks for the interest!!!
im down to run any other games i mean ill bring brackets as long as other people are willing to run it so i guess i wont be running it
but ill promote them im cool with that
i can also host vids on my site
good luck not getting caught secret agent min
not to derail my own thread but get caught doing what agent 00apoyan
taping matches of course
unless you managed to work around that somehow
Supermin vs momofmin, I got 20 on momofmin. BET IT!
I think it would be that big of a deal, i think the place is under new management.
Min, add ST. I haven’t heard too much shit about the cab recently.
**I wouldn’t mind if a 3S tourney is created also. AH and CVS2? At least I’ll do my best with either one since Nick T. and I still have to battle again after our last clash. :remembers the f@ggoty A-ism lame combos from him: GRRR…!
just show up to play these games peeps! ill add 3s and st to the first post
ill go for 3s why not
ive got enough money to catch the bus there(exactly 10 bux) but not to come back
oh woe is me
EDIT: so hey if i get 5 people to give me 2 dollars each i can go back home