China woman roosts puppy alive for meat

Yeah…I always liked it when people who had no idea tried to deny based on how they live in America. They always looked so silly talking about something they didn’t know about. Then came Discovery Travel and blew their minds.

[SIZE=4]china woman roosts puppy alive for meat… anyone surprised? I guess she had to eat…[/SIZE]

there you go with that logic again.

Chinese do everything to their animals alive- skin then, feed them to other animals in zoos, run over them with vehicles for amusement, cook them, etc. etc.

My shock is how the Chinese does this on the regular to pretty much anything with fur, and yet for some reasons pandas still made it into the 20th century.

So how long did she roost it? She just sat on it and waited for it to hatch?

Until it died

Common sense already invaded the thread. We do the same thing, and we do inhumane things as well. It sucks from the perspective that alot of us keep dogs as a pet - and see them as a memeber of the family so it psycholigcally borders on canabilism…

but its not. I’ve got three cats right now…and I know I’m not the only pet owner to hear jokes about someone eating the same speciies of animal as their pet.

  • :bluu:

we do the same shit with animals we eat. I ain’t gonna freak out on what other people eat, until they eat either humans, or something that’s endangered.

We never fucking domesticated lobsters, clams, or what other senseless shit you are comparing that to. Dogs and cats are some of the few animals we have hand picked and chosen to be man’s best friend and with that they have evolved purely from our selective breeding. That being said, I think it’s naive to expect every single animal on the planet to be treated humanely and looked after, that’s obviously impossible. Sure, some people in our own country slaughter animals as a profession, and some even torture and abuse animals for jollies too. The difference is that in the general public’s view this is unacceptable, so I don’t know why any of you say “**we **hit cowz…” etc…
So again, the world is not a fair place, and yeah, things of this nature are part of these people’s culture and have been for a long time, but it’s retarded to say that American’s are the same because we eat beef. There are plenty of Chinese who are also infuriated by those incidents as well. It’s far from the end of the world, but its still worth pointing out.

I sure as hell don’t. Last time I checked, my food is dead by the time I cook it.

The issue here is not the act of eating dogs, it’s the act of giving an animal a extremely painful death unnecessarly. If you have to eat it, give it a quick death before cooking.

They don’t feel pain? Really? They may not have nociceptors and hence may not ‘experience’ the same pain.
But having all your body systems slowly get destroyed in a boiling bath is fine right? They surely react to it until they die.
If it were not discomforting, why would they try to escape it? Is it because they are ‘less evolved’ like the snails that some consider a delicacy?

Some Chinese folks I know find it incredibly hurtful to eat a rabbit. They have also been domesticated to being pets. Why is this not wrong?
Surely it’s a Westernized look on the world because dogs are ‘man’s best friend’. We aren’t cannibalizing, that’s for sure.
I agree that cooking things live is cruel though, including crustaceans because folks just don’t care about something that is far from your pet cat and dog.

:b: I’m not a scientist

roosts puppy? people keep puppies caged up with chickens and shit? maybe they were trying to get the puppy into the fight scene earlier by mixing it in with the chickens/roosters and shit?

edit: ahh, ROAST. in that case shouldn’t every animal that is cooked while it is still alive deserve it’s own story as well? i hope it was a Pomeranian.

We’ve domesticated horses…we eat them. We;ve domesticated cows. We eat them. same can be said for pigs and chickens. And people do keep all of the above except cows - as PETS, names, licenses, etc. So I’m sorry, dogs and cats are NOT different from those animals. The ONLY reason they aren’t considered a real food source is because they don’t provide alot of meat/nutrition for the effort. People only eat rabbit and the such as a survival mechanism, they don’t really get it at the store (unless they’ve developed a taste).

And don’t get it twisted, I’m NOT condoning the actions at all, I’m merely saying that its not a far stretch, especially depending on your financial sitation and what’s available to eat.

  • :bluu:

i think it’s really called “Tier mentality”. What ever animal is closest to the Human species (either in intelligence or favoritism) gets this negative reaction on cruelty. Which is why we can’t feel the same about cows, chickens, rats, random marine invertebrates. When people see a dog, cat, dolphin or something like that being killed, most will respond with the “how would you like that if it was done to you”. Because we see those animals to be close to us people.

If this was a link of a chinese lady roasting a live human baby for food or clothing, the responses would be different. I doubt anybody would be saying “oh, we do this to cows, chickens and other animals we eat” because that shit is barbaric and sick regardless.

i would understand the poverty reasoning: these people being poor and just eating for survival. That’s understandable. But i doubt that’s the case here… they actually sell them as delicacies.

Raise some chickens or pigs or something.

People have a different perspective on dogs or pets since they are domesticated…honestly i have 3 mini schnauzers myself…and if you really think about it puppies are in their own little ecosystem almost like humans in their simplest form.(eat,poop,groom,emotions…etc) I guess it’s that they are more intelligent than said lobsters or cows and such that we humans grow more attached to them…

now, since we dont have all the facts,idk what to make of the story. You must live in the poorest of poor if all you can find is a dog to roast, when there are plenty of “rodent like” choices out there. I’m all for killing animals as long as their resources are put to good use.

EDIT- in response to that rabbit killing fetish story, that reminds me of a while back some other SRKer posted a story about women in high heels stepping on kitties necks.

shit is just crazy. the most harrowing article on the site is "filthy India photos"
I think the people are just desensitized to things that would send people here into a holy crusade of rage and disarray. I suppose that’s nature.

It’s messed up because we humanize dogs in the west but at least she’s not paying some migrant worker to kill her food for her. Would I do that no but the stuff that goes on in the agro system in the west is just as distasteful fro how we treat/genticly modify our animals to how we treat the people that pick our crops.

Actually no, they don’t feel pain in the same way. In animals such as fish and other invertebrates what we consider as “pain” can be perceived as fight or flight responses due to a rapid change in homeostasis. Basically, the animal is instinctively aware of its abnormal surroundings/situation and is experiencing a steady discomfort thus activating its flight response.

When fish are caught for example, the wiggling motion isn’t them writhing in pain but their flight response- they’re trying to swim away out of the water.

As for the pain mechanism, lobsters and most other invertebrates (save for cephalopods and few other creatures) have relatively underdeveloped nervous systems designed to respond to basic stimuli to survive. So while I can’t say that the lobster being boiled alive isn’t feeling discomfort, it definitely isn’t in the same pain as a mammal would be being boiled alive.

i remember volunteering in some anti-poverty group before… man, people in poverty will eat anything. There was a bunch of poor guys playing checkers out of beer caps, while drinking alcohol; a huge rat comes running by them, one the guys scooped the rat up, slashed it open and grilled it. They ate that shit as a side dish during their drinking. They also scooped up random roaches, and ate em like chips.Sick as shit.