"Check out my new arcade stick!" Thread - Mortal Kombat Edition

Nice, i got Round 2 as well and been thinking about picking up the combat panel. I would just get annoyed having to switch the panels back and forth for street fighter and MK. Do you know if you can you put a IL joystick on that?

Nice, i want one so bad yo. I built my own out of scratch but it doesn’t look any where near as sexy as that one. You know you need to switch out the micro switches with Cherry switches too, to also get the most out of your buttons? Also, what do you plan on doing with those stock buttons? I’ll buy those off ya from ebay or something if you plan on letting them collect dust.

Here’s my MK “Poison Ivy” Plexi stick…

That’s pretty beast! How does it feel with it being all plexi? Is it lightweight?

Yes it is, but with the parts added it gives it enough weight to fell balanced IMO.

I love the stick but I got it dirt cheap about the price of a new video game and would like to make a phat profit at the moment.

I would have sold you the buttons and stuff but I decided to sell the stick on ebay because I am just going to use my dual modded TE to play MK9.

I was going to keep it but I want to add the damn stick is really beautiful in person and the fact it opens up with a latch to show more beauty of the stick is really nice.

The bottom base of the Happ/IL sticks are too tall to fit into the Fightstick TE, and they have much different mounting dimensions. You’d need to cut metal+plastic and do some clever mods to extend the height of the insides.

If you can do all that, might as well make your own custom stick from the ground-up! But I’m not too picky about the differences between sticks, as long as it’s bat-top.

Also if you’re a Street Fighter player, I’d recommend sticking to the SF layout. It’s more awkward to play Street Fighter on a Mortal Kombat layout than vice-versa, and switching panels isn’t exactly a plug-n-play process.

Oh, thanks anyways. So you already dual modded you TE stick?

Yeah I made a MK stick (Picks above), and I have a custom DBZ themed Round 2 TE sick as well. I made the MK stick because i found it to awkward trying to play MK on it then switching over to SSFIV:AE. I would ended up using pushing the MK block button to block instead of holding back. So keeping two different sticks keeps me from getting confused. I figured the stick might be to tall, kinda sucks because i really like the feel of the Happ buttons and joystick. I wouldn’t use it on Mvc or Street fighter though, it doesnt feel right to me lol.

Those are awesome sticks!

This may seem a lame question, but for MK9 on the 360 version it uses LT & both LB & RB in the button config, which cant be mapped to to button inputs…so you either lose the ability to use the slow mo, and either tag or block due to the two less buttons…on this plate & for MK9 anyway

How did you over come this?

i ask as ive bought the kombat plat to mod my TE

I just have the basic buttons bound, no slo-mo or anything:
Yellow = Tag
Red = FP, FK
White = Block
Blue = BP, BK
White buttons on Back = Select, Start, PS Button (when pressing Start+Select)

That’s all I wanted and needed, but you’d definitely need another button or two to bind the entire controller. I just removed the top-left button panel entirely as I never used any of those functions.

Yo Tim, mind if we link this with the original thread in TT and vice versa?

eh, its up to you, but i made this because the MK sticks, well the MK sticks with MK layouts were so few and far between i figured they should get there own place to shine. your choice. :slight_smile:

Im not 100% clear on what your saying, im assuming Slow mo = X-ray? I’m not all clear with the Xbox buttons either since I’ve never owned one. But I can tell you that you don’t need all the buttons you would get on a controller, Both Kicks + Block will give you X-ray, so you don’t need both block buttons like you would on a controller. Also when you switch the panels you just plug the appropriate cords for your yellow button to be tag, on the 3 its L1…so i imagine it would be LB for you?

Does anyone know how to Dual mod a Ps3 pdp Stick?

Here are some of the Mortal Kombat sticks that i made recently.

The first batch of sticks were 3 sticks that Warner Bros asked me to make for a European release party/tournament:

Sub zero




fucking WOW.

i need some of those washers!!

I have to agree with that, those are pretty sick!

I’ve just sent an email to the guy that did them for me. He had build these with a $20K laser which broke down a week after finishing these :wink: Depending on the state of the laser now, i might be able to order/offer them again.