If you are familiar with the Dark Triad of traits (narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy) men who score high on these traits tend to do well with women. Scott Peterson after he was put on death row for killing his wife supposedly got so many love letters that the prison he was at couldn’t even process his mail.
yeah, and the funny thing was that Scott P. wasn’t like soap-opera hunk status either… he was a pudgy, obviously middle-aged looking dude… definitely had the “fat retired cop” look going on. Oh and he even had a previous wife die under “suspicious” circumstances too.
…annnd women just keep on loving it. But they love to pretend like they don’t and actually have reasonable judgement of overall character in a mate (long-term or short-term). :get_outta_here:
another example was that dude Jeremy Meeks, I think was the name? With him though it was mostly looks…but I suspect that a little of his appeal to women was the knowledge that since he was a convicted felon…there’s proof right there that he’s some level of “bad bad” that generation after generation of women wet their panties over. So… I’d estimate it was something like 90% looks and 10% bad dude appeal making women everywhere in this country take notice of him for a minute. (latest update; I think the guy actually has a modeling contract now)
There was a air force court martial that a co worker was apart of. The undertaker was a key witness which was crazy, but he said that trial cost about a million bucks.