Cerberus: Unleash the hellhound in your arcade stick

Yes they definitely will. I’ve been slacking on restocking them, I apologize. That’ll get shipped out probably early next week if I can find the time to get it done.

Yes they definitely will. I’ve been slacking on restocking them, I apologize. That’ll get shipped out probably early next week if I can find the time to get it done.

Awesome, I need two. :slight_smile: And two JLF Links.
Placed another order with FA tonight and almost bit on the No Connector Version. I will be grabbing one or two of those for dual mod fightpads depending on how the first goes, and if I can find a new set of pads.
Thanks for the reply and I look forward to doing some modding with Phreakmods.

So I have a 360 pad/ Cerberus modded SE I’m working on, and the stick works without a hitch on consoles, but I’m getting an Unrecognized Device error on win 8.1. Pulling into control panel the board comes up as “Unknown USB device (Device descriptor requrest failed)”. I checked my USB ports with my TE Kitty stick and External HDD, and they work fine. Any clue as to what I can do to fix this?

Double check all the USB connections, make sure you didn’t mix up the white and green wires

I did, don’t think it’s the USB wires as the stick works perfectly on PS3 and 360, but I’m getting errors on PC, so I don’t think D+/D- are mixed. As I said I also checked ports with other sticks and devices and they don’t experience any errors.

I was referring to your 360 pad/ Cerberus modded SE
I didn’t see you mentioning anything about it working on PS3 and 360

I’ve noticed that the Cerberus (when dual modded to a 360 pcb) has the same issue as the PS360+ on PC in that they get really sketchy if you don’t use a USB cable they like. First try using the shortest USB cable you can find then testing it out again. Keep trying out all the other USB ports on your computer as well.

I’ll give it a try then, thanks @gahrling
Also sorry if i came off as aggro on that last comment @Darksakul

My strategy is never use cheap flimsy cable.
I never had issues with the longer USB cables from better manufacturers like StarTech or Monoprice.
Hori/Mad Catz made some cheap ass USB cables.

Buy an USB hub, I had the same issues on my windows 8.1 pc, and it fixed it for me.

This is the one that I have: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DQ5RYP0/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

You aren’t using a USB 3.0 port are you?

Using 2.0. I do have 3.0 ports on here but same results across the board for all ports.

remove about a foot of usb cable or more

Howdy yall!
Mad Catz V.S. Stick Xbox 360
Cerberus 1.0
Windows 7 64-bit

My stick works fine Xbox 360 and PS3, but doesn’t work on PC. I get Unknown Device for 360 and Bootloader Mode as well as just plugging my stick in for USB 2.0 and 3.0

Any suggestions what might be wrong or what I can do? I have Xbox 360 controller drivers installed by the way.

Try plugging it to a USB hub, I used to have the same problem and that fixed it for me.

Well this is odd… My front USB ports on my PC won’t recognize it, but the USB on the back of the PC (2.0 and 3.0) which is directly to the motherboard reads my stick just fine. It’s just driver/BIOs problems I’ve read about and I did notice it being funky a long time ago about my front USB ports. I know I just have to update my drivers and BIOS from a problem I’ve read about. I just didn’t think it would affect me like this. My motherboard is an ASUS Rampage V Extreme x99. I’m sure I can fix this. Thanks for looking out KCO_Astro!

Anyone got a tutorial on how to update the firmware on the CERBERUS!?! the S+S=H function sounds godlike.

What version comes up on PC when you plug the setup in? You probably have the firmware for that already since I’ve been sending it out with that build for a long while now (unless you have a super super old one you got way back when or something, hah).

FIRST WAVE!!! 1.0 :smiley: