Cyber how long do you think it will take for them to port the game?
IIRC it comes it in either April or May.I would hate for the game to come out like months and shit after I leave for College
Cyber how long do you think it will take for them to port the game?
IIRC it comes it in either April or May.I would hate for the game to come out like months and shit after I leave for College
It took HnK a good six or seven months, I think saying five months would be pushing it. Around October time I would say, but hey, I’d love to be proved wrong…
On the other hand this isn’t Atomiswave so the port might be simpler to do, here’s hoping for that…
HnK’s PS2 port is in an interesting story, considering it had two main things that probably served to delay it.
First of all, it was on the AW, as was already noted. Porting from that platform takes a minute to do the job, and do it in a passable fashion, so that was already one thing that served to delay it.
The other main thing was that it fell victim to Sega wanting to do their part to contribute to the “HnK-fest” that occurred early 07, when there was a whole bunch of new Gaiden OVAs and other stuff available around the same time. Between the port job itself, as well as Sega’s marketing strategy, that was why it took so long for the port to come out. If I remember correctly, there were rumors stating that the game was practically ready for release around like October 06 or there-abouts, but this “timing” thing was the main reason why the game got held back for so long. I can only imagine that the fact being that ASW was practically done with Sega and Sammy at that point, and HnK being one of the last contracted deals for them, was probably the main reason why they didn’t put some extra loving into the port… :shake:
…THANKFULLY, none of that trash is the case here, with SBX. SBX is on the System 256, which is basically PS2 hardware. A port job from there should be a snap. So much so, that they could technically bang out the PS2 port within days of the arcade release, if they so wanted.
What probably will be more the determinant for SBX’s home port will be mainly on a number of other factor’s, such as Capcom and ASW’s own individual plans for the upcoming months. Capcom themselves are probably hard at work on the next BASARA sequel, but could probably use SBX as a way to keep BASARA fans occupied as they go to work. Meanwhile, with ASW’s own franchise, BB fast approaching, it may behoove them to release SBX at a timely fashion, so that the two products won’t end up competing with each other.
So, with that said, it’s my educated guess that since the arcade release is scheduled for April, I would imagine that any where between July-October would be fair game. After all, BASARA fans are the main target for this game, and while they may be willing to go out to the arcades once every so often, they’ll probably appreciate the game more when they can play it at home, like they’ve done with the past games. Or at least, that’s what I would imagine.
But, in the end, we shall see…
Glorious. If the home version includes an unlockable option to change the opening theme to this, I would hail Capcom and Arc System Works as the greatest game companies of all time ever.
You know what I am about to say! Vote for SBX!!!
Look, Chinese arcade community give another shot on a new game and it happened to be SBX, please show them your passion for SBX and new fighting games!
(Kinda sad that AH2 and MB are not in the list due to lack of players, but they will be in the side event for sure)
Well it’s beating out Street Fighter IV…Woo?
Hmmm… It’s still in the bottom ^^; Oh boy…
If it makes it any better, I voted.
I voted too :P, I may be in china later this year, so having SBX machines ethere would be sick
It’s now in bottom 4. Cheers everyone
I voted for it since im kind of interested in this game
why is there so little news about this game
it’s the silence before the storm
this is genious tianyuan
haha yeah, it fit perfectly
If all they’re going to do is try and repeat their mistake from before (trying to market BASARA as “Devil Kings”), I say CoA can leave well enough alone.
Besides, now that SF4 is up and about, you know that CoA probably could care less about a title like this, because the majority of America is going to be like so…
Very true, this is going to happen.
TRT, I still like that Hokuto OP the most:
I really love that comment: “Also, why did that fit perfectly?”
I wish I know how to answer that. They probably used their good ol’ Hokuto OP song when they were making this anime intro. Yes, I used Hokuto’s arcade OP song for that vid. I wa shock when it’s done…
That’s probably going to be the one bad thing about SBX…as compared to HnK, there’s not going to be NEARLY enough people in the game who will do a sadistic/evil laugh of some sort.
Nobunaga is probably a definite. Maybe even Hideyoshi and Oichi, when she’s facing off against her bro (much like in SB2 HEROES :wgrin:). But still…it’s going to make me a bit sad that I can’t have a game with such awesomely evil brouhahas! XD