Cammy Match-Up Discussion: Chun-Li

I thought cr.hp stuffs instant air lighting legs almost all of the time.

Yeah I should have added that to the least with jab and DP. It does work if they are always doing instant air legs and you are able to react in time (ie opponent is being predictable), but smart players will vary it making it much harder to deal with. It comes down to risk reward. If they are using it sparingly like we saw in that match it’s probably better to just block it. If they are spamming it then yeah do what you gotta do to blow them up, but just realize the risk reward is in Chun’s favor as she’ll net more damage if you mess up.

BMP is good vs it.

Watching GLeague and I found this tidbit interesting.

Xiao Hai likes fighting Chun, while Kazunoko believes Chun is Cammy’s worst match-up.

I’m in the Xiao hai camp :slight_smile:

Again Necro, pls show me replays of you fighting Chun.

I will. Next time I go to a major I will try to record. Most online chun players are meh.

But you can’t really deny that on paper Cammy has tools that handle chun. That alone is worth consideration. This is really where I’m making my point

The scary thing about chun is her offense. Not her neutral.

On paper Birdie loses to Cammy too, and yet…

How? Lol.

Actually move that response to the birdie thread so we can not derail this.