Update to the previous combo now more optimized for my new team (Viper/Dante/Taskmaster)
Viper on point
1.05 gauges (Without the DHC at the end the combo can be started with just next to zero gauge)
Taskmaster assist!
Dante assist O_o
Execution! D8
1.2xx-1.3xx (Variable depending on DHC timing) million
1.108 million pre-DHC
Corner version: 214A~S~C~S -/ 2C + (Summon Taskmaster) xx 236B, (Taskmaster hits) 214A~S~C~S -/ 2B, 2C xx 236B xx 236S, 623A, 28 ADF, C, S -/, 2C, 236C~S, 9B, B, C, 9, B, C, S xx 214S -/ 5S, /-, B, B, C, 9, B, C, S -/ (Summon Dante) 623A (Jam session hits) 236C~S, 2147 C -/ 214AB (DHC)
Mid-screen version: 214A~S~C~S (Summon Taskmaster) -/ 2C xx 236B, (Taskmaster hits) 2149 (Small wait) A~S~C~S -/ 2B, 2C xx 236B xx 236S, 623A, 28 ADF, C, S -/, 2C, 236C~S, 9B, B, C, 9, B, C, S xx 214S -/ 5S, /-, B, B, C, 9, B, C, S -/ (Summon Dante) 623A (Jam session hits) 236C~S, 2147 C -/ 214AB (DHC)
Adding in the Dante assist built a lot of gauge and added enough damage to kill Wesker without DHCing which is very important. I think it’s possible to fit another TK feint in there, if possible then this can be started at the beginning of the match and kill every character in the game.
Anyone 1,100,000 health or lower is gauge neutral to this combo where you don’t lose any meter and anyone 930K or lower actually builds an extra meter for you while you kill them.
Can anyone help me in my devious plot to be able to go from absolute 0 gauge to enough to EX TK with Taskmaster assist alone? The 214A~S~C~S -/ 2C + (Summon Taskmaster) xx 236B, (Taskmaster hits) 214A~S~C~S -/ 2B, 2C xx 236B is almost there, but not quite enough to build a whole gauge and thus let this be even scarier. I know Viper is practically never at absolute 0, but it would be nice especially with being able to build gauge killing lower health characters.
Also, taking into account that some characters have really low health and are relatively common such as Zero which EX move can potentially be removed and still keep 800K + so this builds 2 meters? I’m thinking that taking out the EX TK section and going straight into seismic hammer may be enough if hit stun scaling allows 2C xx 623A to combo there, if not it may be worth it to lose the 2B before the 2C and go straight into fierce TK. Note that with this combo if you have the execution at any point you can transfer it into the infinite. The most intelligent time of course being after the seismic hammer first launch since that allows the most gauge to be built by the infinite.
I don’t know if anyone else is playing my team, but if so you should now kill every character you touch on the ground.
Anyone care to help me optimize what can be hit off these 3 very important situations? They’re next on my list for vital combos now that I have for the most part my target ‘I landed a clean-ish hit combo’
Combos starting from corner Jam session: The unblockable set up means I need something scary to keep them from just taking the hit, I can kill Phoenix already which is good, but I need to get better at killing characters that are quite a few bars above that.
Air to air C: There are times when I get to punish things with air to air C which should lead into decent damage, depending on the situation. Currently I’ve just been doing S, EX burn kick, normal follow up but I’m sure since there’s not a lot of hit stun scaling yet in a combo just starting air to air there are likely better things to do.
EX seismic hammer: I use Emergency Combination too much, Hammer gets more damage and is safer, I need some good follow ups to naked EX hammer.