yeah everyone just shut the fuck up. Stop renaming players, allenfiend fuckass sht.
buk beasting on iyo makes sense. iori counters the entire team, morrigan counters rolento, and hibiki also counters/has a good match against rolento.
when is SBO again?
EDIT- buk or kim, what’s the name of the guy who plays C-raiden/joe/eagle (in whatever order)? at FR9 sugar land told me he’s a beast with the best raiden in japan and his team sounds very interesting. kim, could christmas come early with some vids of him?
May 3-6
this be kim from buks computer
Ok so the 3 on 3 was fun but really long and included some weird ass format that was evo ish. Basically there was 6 pools with about 4 or 5 teams in each one and everyone plays round robin. The team with the best score makes it out and goes into the main tournament. However the team with the 2nd best score can still go into the main tournament but they have to play all the 2nd best score people in the other pools to determine the best loser. Not only that, but in the last chance thing you had to pick one homie on your team to represent the entire team, and if that guy lost then your whole team is out.
Ok so anyway, Our bracket was pretty tough we had otaku/iyo/A vice vega blanka player in our bracket and also ichi/laugh/then ichi again. the mvp of our team was definitely buktooth. My blanka lost to otakus kyo in like 10 seconds with him landing two up kick combos in a row and me adapting like a champ. So I lost and combofiend went up and pretty much had a good chance of winning, as he landed the rock custom but somehow got max distance low rh that hit into rising tackle into losing. Btw his eagle wasnt doing good here at all, so he decided to go with A cammy rolento rock. So he lost and campbell had to beat all 3 for us to beat the team and yeah… he did. landing wake up uppercut against otaku when they both had one pixel life left. He legitly beat iyo pretty bad which was dope countering his ass with morrigan at the end vs rolento. and if any rolentos understand rolento vs morrigan, they truly understand how much of a bitch morrigan really is. Anyway, he also beat the vice guy and yeah it was tight. the shittiest part was when ichi using his n groove team beat buk in the end after a button breaking thing happened. maybe buk can elaborate on that later. but yea they decided to start over with 100% hibiki vs like 40% sagat. And ichis n sagat landed one super at the end vs hibiki which barely killed hibiki. and my jaw dropped to the floor when that happened.
Other teams that didnt get 1st in their pool was ricky kindebu and tokido, the funniest part was when kindebu lost he paused for like second. then started giving high fives to everyone. Im most defintely going to copy that. shit was funnier then keiths haircut.
The team that won was bas nestor and mago. 2nd place was otaru/k groove man./ and someone else. I didnt go to the 2 on 2, but i heard that shit was way funner with 32 2 man teams. and super all stars like Nuki and Ino showing up. I got footage from both these tourneis cause i had a friend recording shit for me like a champ. SBO is this week on wed thur fri. with 3s being on thur.
For the 2 on 2 Dan and togawa won. (which is pretty tight, those guys have been on point lately) Dan is one of the tightest guys to watch play, he uses all his buttons unlike buk which only uses the rekka button. From what I;ve been told. Bas/nakanishi team lost to dan togwa team. Kok/chiba beat ino and PINOCHIO aka cvs2 hobo. nuki beat bari in like less then a min and a half. COmbofiend beat nuki barely at the end by running under nukis sagat and doing stand strong and the crowd laughing their ass off. they both lost to tokido afterwards. rickuyand gunter I think lost to bas’s team. ummm kindebu beat nuki. Rai lost first round to some random k groove guy. Yeah losing first round here btw is totally not that big of a deal. In the states you get made fun of by everyone if that happens, and like your family is shamed and shit. I typed hella, ill type more later or something. and as a last parting comment. Im pretty sure I saw this, when you block cammys horizontal super, the part where she goes up after the cannon drill animation is vulnerabnle. i saw some dude block that super then uppercut her in the middle of it. shit was pretty hot.
-The juice
Hey Kim you going to More tonight? Let’s practice.
oh yeah, i actually saw that guy play one of the days i was at MORE.
from what i saw and hear from campbell, that guy is really good but it still took him like hella tries to end Dan’s streak that one time i saw him playing (but the matches weren’t blow outs at all)
it seemed like his Joe was the one owning shit up when he played vs Dan
guy also gets a hella pissy face whenever he loses a character and pansy slaps the joystick
are you an ass? i’ve seen the fuckin computer do this shit…
just saw this thread now. tired as a mother
i’ll prolly do some full post on the 3on3 and 2on2 whenever i get a chance, but that doesn’t look it’s happening until after all these american fags go home (monday i think?)
anyway, 2on2 was hot shit. best cvs2 tourney ive prolly ever been to
Tokido you fucking up. Stop sucking thanks
wheres daigo in all this…he doesnt play this game anymore???
Japanese Team Hate are a bunch of cheaters…
Taken from D44:
tounament results
first day 3on3 24teams join
1st D44,Mago,Nestor(US)
2nd Chapaou,Mizotetu,Joe(US)
3rd Kurusu,Yunyan,Tetsu
2nd day 2on2 30teams join
1st Dan,Togawa
2nd Mizotetu,Ko-saka
3rd D44,Nakanishi
3rd Kindevu,Mago
Joe US? who the fuck is joe
SBO is happening right now as I type! May 3rd-5th, which its may 3rd in jpn now. And popo seems like we completely missed each other at FR9, but I was all over the place. When is your next tourney? I may make ECC but probably just Sat. don’t know yet but seriously planning to go to MWC
whatever happened to that guy nitto and his super cool team?
I want to play joe. Placing 2nd. what a fucking beast. good shit joe.
Joe u still playing k groove kyo and ken? Or u changed? Come back and let me own u up
Buk Kim, Nestor… Epically Nestor…
If you have some time see if you can locate a working cps-3 system with 3s (i’d pay for it of course)