Yeah the momentay system was pretty dope, would love to see something like that expanded on. But it’s something that would need ot be handled carefully.
*wake up rolls
*dashes keep some momentum even if you crouch(think Vampire Savior)
*get rid of ultras and keep supers
*air block special moves/supers, but not normals
*new air normals for crossing up. Street Fighter looks weird with air normals like Ryu’s kick that crosses up even though he is still looking forward
*do something about the reversal windows. people shouldn’t mash SRK motion for free
Maybe something towards CVS2 K-groove matches
Cuz all K groove CVS2 is cool as hell.
But of course you’ll have to do some tweaks to make it work well.
Oh and remove invincibility from back dashes. For GG and MB it’s ok but not for a SF game.
Akatsuki Blitzkampf is the game that Streetfighter 4 should have been. Reflects were baitable and punishable using specific setups, they weren’t an ‘always the best solution’ like 3S parry because they had a whiff animation, and used a button combination so you couldn’t OS reflect. It also had a rudimentary chain and juggle system that worked really well in the context, it allowed you to go into combos off of a lot of your pokes without having to grind out 1F links while still not being a free combo, because a lot of the juggles were pretty difficult. Also it had airblocking, and that really didn’t change things all that much.
It combined Alpha 3, 3S, and ST in a way that worked really well.
Another game that had non-standard systems but still had SF-style feels and footsies was CVS2, The main problem with that game was roll cancelling was way too strong on some characters like blanka and bison though, nothing like seeing blanka fly through your fireball and murder you to break up your ST zoning game. K-Groove worked out really well though, instantblocking and jump arc control with a run actually felt really nice in CVS2, it gave you both really strong defensive and offensive options, rage mode was pretty silly though.
You could OS reflect and super.
one of these two but not both.
Manipulative jump arcs or air guard.
For system mechanics I’d prefer a chaining system instead of the link shit in SF4.
Outside of mechanics, game features (that other games already have) that I’d like to see are:
Decent net code
Button config at character select
CPU demo of trials
Decent tutorials
Dramatic battle mode
I’d really like to see an Alpha 3 style game crossed with something like X-Men Vs Street Fighter. Not actually having marvel characters, but have the Alpha 3 cast in a game with massive supers, super jumps, tagging and all that jazz.
But you can’t OS karathrow / parry into a cancellable normal or walk forward / parry or block crossup / parry.
Sggk is some real nightmare status OS shit.
Something Alpha 2 except without CC’s is pretty much my idea of a perfect SF game. I think rolls should be universal again, it increases strategic depth and makes you think on your feet more.