Wow that definitely helped. First of all the best advise on doing Dante tech is not to mash! Learn the timing and do crisp buttons and motions. If you mash you will not be consistent. With that said I am pretty good at BC to anything, but was having trouble with with that exact part because you had to mash and It caused me to be inconsistent, but knowing how many H’s to input b4 stinger greatly helps and eliminates mashing.
The steps I took in mastering bold cancel was raw BC to volcano, then reverb, then teleport. Once I was consistently BC into anything I wanted, then I practiced adding MH before stinger. At first I mashed and failed, then I started to relax and treat stinger xx BC xx whatever, like one crisp move. This caused my brain to slow down and approach it like 1,2,3 instead of feeling overwhelmed with mashing 5 inputs as fast as I can. Once I was compfortable and consistent, I put the computer on random blocking and practiced using MH to confirm the hit b4 I input stinger. I did this so that if they blocked I could BC reverb shock or teleport, and if I hit confirmed then I BC into volcano xx Bnb. With this step I’m starting to feel like a Dante player.
Bold canceling into almost anything is easy, yes. Bold cancel teleport however, utterly impossible
Could you try to get a video of you trying up? I don’t think anyone could give you more advice at this point, and I think doing that would be more constructive than going to a 2-year-old thread and complaining about something that is very doable.
I don’t have a program that records game footage and I doubt that would be of any use anyway. The inputs are exactly as they should be on any tutorial thread or video, Dante just doesn’t comply.
Mainly the reason for resurrecting this old thread is venting purposes exclusively… I absolutely adore UMvC3, almost to an unhealthy extent, and being inherently incapable of what seems to be an extraordinarily useful (and fun) move with my favorite character puts a sizable dent in the enjoyment I derive out of what may very well be my favorite game of all time. And every time I see someone say something like “it’s stupidly easy” or “it took me 5 minutes to permanently master” increases the size of said dent.
As I said, stinger BC volcano etc took me virtually no practice at all to get down. But over 1/3 of a year trying to bc teleport to no avail really puts a damper on spirits. I really have tried every suggestion and every method extensively…
It would because then people could help you with the input timing better. Cellphone cam works fine, if you have one.
ipod 4 works as well unless you don’t have an app that called a “Camera”. Posting a video helps people understand and detect what type of execution problems that you have. The video easily explains 10x better than writing a sentence about it.
To Tsjanith = If you don’t have someone to record for you. Then you need at least 3 things
1.) Recording Equipment = ipod, iphone, cellphone
2.) A stool
3.) 2 DVD cover(Think PS3 Boxart) or a book cover
Now you should place 2 DVD covers on the stool, where you can place the ipod, iphone or cellphone on it so that the DVD Cover helps makes the ipod don’t fall and stay still . Also make sure that the bottom part doesn’t block the camera. I am so terrible at explaining in words btw.
When you doing a bold cancel into teleport your input should look like this below. It works for both :l: or . So pick one that works best for you.
:d: or :l: :d: :s:
In the input above, after a stinger press :d: :m: + :s: at the same time, then immediately press :d: :s: after
I don't like using :h: for bold cancel because I want to minimize a lot of button presses as possible (pressing :h: again after Stinger)
Note = *If it doesn't help, then changing your controller setting would make things a lot easier. Just because you hear people saying that its easy doesn't mean that it's true. It their opinion. It wasn't easy for me to learn how to bold cancel into teleport at first.*
To be honest you have a long time to actually do this. Just buffer 6s+attk, then press 6s. Its pretty simple. Just input it clean and it will come out everytime
TsJanith, I know I’m super late to the party here but I may have some useful advice. I used to struggle with bold cancel-teleport., Especially during his hammer/helm breaker bnb, after the prop shredder sequence. But I have it down now.
As you already know, in order to bold cancel-teleport, you have to press attack+S immediately after a stinger, followed by the teleport input (down, down S). My method simply removes one step. Basically you just need to STINGER, followed immediately by pressing BOTH DOWN ON THE STICK AND ATTACK+S at the same time. Then simply PRESS DOWN ONCE MORE, THIS TIME WITH JUST S INSTEAD OF ATTACK+S. It all happens very quickly, but you get used to it quickly as well. So, again, thats simply:
Stinger -> down+ATTACK+S -> down+S
Before implementing this in combos, try to bold cancel-teleport just from a standing magic series into stinger. Simply attempt to LMH-stinger-bold cancel teleport. I can’t stress enough how easy this gets after an hour in the training room. Good luck to those learning the character.
His problem was never executing, apparently. Just timing. That’s what everyone already uses (or at least, should use) for Stinger > Teleport already.
Besides, he’s probably given up at this point because it’s too “impossible” for him.