Boel's butthouse (only true bros post here)

many thanks vynce, I also made the mistake of adopting her kid (no dad out there i gotta be jealous of, she smartly went to a sperm bank cuz she knew obviously 4 years later she would meet me and I would not deal with some bum dad)

here we are anglin, zero fish were caught

I apologize for that picture being so large.

Shoutouts to the goddamn butthouse, my nigga.

There is still a lacking of bro fo sho so here is a brofro fo bros.


bulldanca what good did you ever get to live your dreams

Boel finally getting permission to use srk again Lol. What’s good??

lol epi ZECHS MY BOY, best dude, also yeah bein cuffed means i can play videogames for like maybe an hour a day and like nonsense like that

least i aint some seedbeast seedin up all the walls i can find

Lemme know. I might be able to when I’m not getting carried. B)

You’re still cooler than phantom angel, I do recommend you keep the furriness to a minimum and try and act a bit less naive.

pls do not burn my ego it is unburnable

dammit neesa did you erad the rules at all


Hell nah I ain’t get to live my dreams my nigga, life sucks at least 100% of the time. I somehow ended up engaged and I gotta look at all these summer time booties and cry at night.

awwww shit, bulldanca yall growin up and shit

i dont recommend it

weaboo i appreciate taht you only have 300 some posts after 2 years, that means you prefer quality

srk became butts ever since my subscribed threads werent in the usercp so like, whenever we went off vbulletin

Got a new game to play. Pop it in, ready to play it.

No. Ready to install a 2.3gb update file. Times are tough, brah.

pedro wht good

vynce are you being philosophical or did you get the phantom payne or something,

it looks like a sweet game all gettin to fulton people all the time.

this boel movement is strong