I love Mahjong. some friends taught mt the basics years ago and we used ti play if often before I moved to Hawaii. Though we never really did get the scoring system down. I’ve love to learn how to actually keep score lol
Settlers of Catan is one of my favorites. Back when I played a lot of MTG, we used to also play a lot of Catan. Had a lot of epic games. I still need to get the expansions myself. I’ve played with cities and knights one, and even seafarers. Though I only own the standard Settlers.
I still play Monopoly and Sorry from time to time. I actually just bought the Nintendo Monopoly from a Borders that was closing down a couple weeks ago.
I like that game, but it suffers from a really annoying problem of people who aren’t very good at the game winning just because the person to their right sucks. The amount of times I’ve seen random-ass victories just because someone picks the Craftsman and then the person to his left immediately gets an amazing Captain turn isn’t small. Seriously, if the person to your right sucks at the game it’s going to be REALLY hard for anyone else at the table to win.
I’m assuming when you say cornholing you’re referring to stuffing the big ship with corn when captain phase rolls out? If so then I don’t think it’s necessarily better than a good high yield crop strat with markets on your board. The problem of ‘the sucky right’ is still there. I don’t think I’d ever lose if I always had a complete noob sitting to the right of me in that game. It just becomes too much of an advantage when that person doesn’t realize exactly what he’s setting up and you’re ALWAYS the first person to take perks because of it.
However, the game is a fucking blast when you have 4-5 people that all know what’s up. When you eliminate the bad craftsman plays or the players that do nothing but mayor all day the game takes on a different pace.
Yeah, Puerto Rico’s only good if you’re playing with competent players. I have Agricola (with FoTM), Puerto Rico, and Le Havre and although all games can be good, we play Agricola 95% of the time.
What do you guys think about Le Havre? It’s not a bad game - just long and it seems like coke shipping is the optimal strategy.
I loooove Agricola. I’ve played so many games of that it’s almost mind blowing. My favorite part about that game is that it’s almost impossible to get a bad set of cards if you really put your mind to it, and even though your cards are almost always good, you don’t always need to use them to win. The amount of flexibility in play is so awesome.
The fact that not only do the turn cards come up in a pseudo-random order but that the board is also different depending on amount of players/deck is just too good. I’ve heard mixed reviews of Farmers of the Moor, however. You would recommend it I guess BananaWeed? Agricola always felt like one of those games that is so massive it almost doesn’t need an expansion. You could easily play 200 games of Agricola and still be learning great strategies to employ.
I’m beast at 2 player and 5 player Agricola, but can never seem to get the edge in 3/4 player games. It’s pretty funny.
Edit: I haven’t had a chance to play La Havre but I’m really interested in it. I wish I knew more people from SRK that play board games and live around here. Stupid Canadians.
Yeah, I’d absolutely recommend FoTM. It adds a whole new element in that you need to worry about heating your home. This can make for some really competitive 2P games because you have to keep track of your fuel and you can really screw over the other person by denying them fuel/wood. The new occs and minors try to cater to the new fuel aspect but they’re not as useful as EIK occs + minors. FoTM also adds in special action cards and although these make things a bit easier, they can also add some depth to the meta game.
I’d also recommend picking up the Gamers’ Deck expansion. It adds many occupations and minors that make grain/vegetable strategies more viable.
G2 deck coming out in Oct 2011!
Edit: Le Havre games are looooong. I think a base 2P game is like 2 hours, then an extra half hour for each additional player. :eek:
The new D&D boardgames are pretty damn fun. My playgroup (3 friends of mine) cycle through a bunch of games. We are currently stuck playing Vampire TCG. Things are getting hype in that one. By the same token I’ve heard very good things about the games that Sirlin has made.