Blue Dragon: Video Thread

Good stuff guys!

Glad you liked it. This was not planned and just kind of happened so I had a bunch of drops due to not practicing this team beforehand lol. It was pretty fun though so maybe I’ll give leon his runback and hopefully get a set with less drops. Although we did play for the title of “best point strider (in IL)”, so I kind of don’t want to risk losing it in a rematch. Also, If you or anyone else has any strider tips/critiques of the video besides the obvious don’t drop combos, that is welcome as well.

Don’t give up on Strider. He’s godlike I swear!

Hey Marvelo I found two more ways to get a hard tag with Strange.

After wall cling lmh into gram H, perform two quick dashes to be right underneath or very close to the opponent then hard tag. I was able to get standing M and impact palm to connect pretty easily. The only bad thing is that you have to do a mid screen fof loop, unless Strange has a side switch combo. This can be done with or without the satellite.

Another one is with the satellite already summoned. After gram L fire shot do wall cling H and dash once then hard tag. I don’t really like this one though.

In your video are those two hard tag methods very consistent or do you only get the combo to connect once in awhile?

Sick. Yeah, I feel anytime that you can connect TK Gram, you can rawtag. If you’re too far, you can dash after the TK Gram hits and still have time to rawtag, though the timing is different depending on where on the screen you are.

The corner rawtag is difficult because the inputs are weird. Act Sat/Shoot Sat, TK Gram H, slight delay rawtag. Once you get the timing its easy, especially to Strange. This is probably the most consistent spot to go for it, since you’ll always be at the same spot in the corner. You can even tag Doom in this way, though the timing is slightly more difficult.

Nice. I’m gonna get this shit down. I’m in training mode so I’m gonna check how many hits I can do before I rawtag Strange in. Impact Palm should work every time but I wonder if Standing M or Crouching L will hit after like 20 hits for example.

I’m running Strider/Mag/Strange so I wonder what extensions I can find with Disruptor and Vajra.

St.M is usually easier to connect than IP for whatever reason.

cr.L is the easiest to connect with and I usually either do cr.L, to Impact Palm or cr.L, st.M, IP.

Strider has the sickest extensions with Bolts, but I’d recommend taking Magneto out so you can get a more powerful DHC, but that’s up to you.

Part 4 is out. Peep it.

Awesome Awesome stuff there. On the tk vajra reset can strider be thrown? At work atm and can’t test myself.

Just a few quick clips. Front and back tech rolls covered.

Hey Marvelo, thank you for the videos! They’re super useful. I have to go back and watch them again for refrerence. Did you ever make a tutorial / tips / tricks section for orbs with / without xfactor? I am always at a lost as to what to do whenever I activate, so I never do it and save it for Ragnarok.

The reason I ask you this, is because in that latest video, you say if you XF2 to kill someone, and then rawtag, what do you do with all that meter you’ve built? You activate orbs, you’re out of xfactor, you may or may not have another assist depending on what happens, what then?

I mentioned using Orbs in the original neutral game video. But that talked about utilizing them without XF. For wasting time, resets, or gaining control of the neutral.

However, with XF Orbs are insanely better and if you manage to kill their 2nd character with minimal xf time and have at least 3 bars on their incoming, they’re going to have to hold some shit.

The best use is when you have mastery of the instant overhead. dash j.H. I’ll be going into much more detail in the last video.

As for your question, that depends. See Strider always gets a meaty 50/50 with Formation A2(Bird). So if I want to get a guaranteed 50/50 and don’t have much XF left, I’ll do that…do an optimal combo and kill with Ragnarok.

But if I have at least half of my XF, I’ll throw the bird, pop orbs, and go nuts.