Bloody Roar for Playstation 4?

No offense but you are pretty ignorant about the series, yes it had a community and yes it was played competitively, the game died down with Primal Fury/Extreme which not only had various problems but also had no arcade release, sure it was never huge in the US but its still played in various places even today, something you could have found out for yourself in about 10 min searching on youtube or nico.

I don’t normally bother with posts like these but im getting sick of people trash talking about games they have obviously never played or know jack shit about. If you don’t like the game cool w/e each to their own but when you don’t even know something like how many games are in the series you should probably just shut the fuck up already.


Show me a major tournament from the last 10 years where Bloody Roar was on the lineup.

You underground fanbase monsters are hilarious. Crusading for these obscure ass fighters that you’ll play for 5 minutes and suck dick at. Theres a shit ton of fighters out, pick one.

Off topic:


Stop abusing the flag system

On topic:

Man you guys sure are salty that bloody roar isn’t even poverty…

Like on the one hand sure this thread isn’t about slamming down reality, it’s about wishlisting bloody roar, but on the other hand don’t act like bloody roar is an actual thing that will happen.

Nah man this whole thread is stupid the company that owns the game went under, no one is expecting a new BR game to turn up at EVO or w/e.

Thing is you got dumb shits trying to talk about shit they just don’t have a fucking clue about, like its fucking embarrassing am i on gamefaqs now or some shit? we eventhubs now?

Salty about Bloody Roar? mah man why would i be salty? we been playing for like over 15 years, you think we are going to stop playing because some on the internet who knows nothing about the game or its history claims no one ever played it? haha get real.

Konami owns the full rights to it now, and Sony talked to them last year about making it a PS4 exclusive

Pls. don’t Flag people unless they’re spambots. The purpose of that is to summon mods to nuke a bot from orbit, and nothing more. If you don’t like or disagree with someone’s opinion, that’s what negative reactions like “Disagree” and “WTF” are for.

I just want to see that next gen fur. IDGAF if I’m called a furry. I’ve seen many competitive fighters but never seen any Bloody Roar played competitively. Wasn’t Primal Fury the most respected and didn’t Cronos have several infinites?

Still hope this game gets made, Bloody Roar is one of my favorite FGs ever

Hey all you bloody roar fans. You know what would go along way in showing there’s a demand for the series? Maybe hosting a side event at Evo for the most played game in the series or at other venues. Maybe more purchases of it from the PSN store. Do something to show there’s a demand for this series other than talking about you want it. This reminds me of Darkstalkers. But at least there is a community for Vampire Savior. I don’t see anyone doing anything for Bloody Roar, nothing but ya saying sweet nothings.

Lets get this started, pass it around


Yeah! Let’s make a digital petition, It’s always worked great in the past.

They need to change her name back to Marvel. Stan Lee can’t fuckin’ copywrite a common-use word he didn’t invent.

Uhhhhh…Primal Fury ring a bell? Anyway, shit ain’t happening, franchise is retired like Hudson’s Master Higgins character.

Now that you’re saying, Master Higgins should be in Bloody Roar 5, and he could turn into a dinosaur.

I’m not sure why there is so much hostility in this thread but at any rate I would love to see a updated next gen reboot of the franchise.

Damn, over a week and only 3 signatures. :sad:

So much for all that support and demand for Bloody Roar this thread claims. Petitions for games and other stuff related to the private sector are worthless anyway because all it does is says x amount of people would like this. It’s still the decision of the guy in charge. Stop with the petitions. Get off your butts. And host tournaments for this and try to get others into the series so they’ll pick it up. If digital sales of Bloody Roar all of a sudden started going up, they’ll notice.

lol I loved Bloody Roar when I was younger, but all the people I knew that played it with me were introduced to the game by me.

So no new Bloody roar at E3? Sigh