Blocking xups everytime?

The easy answer is yes, 1f links do become impossible due to frameskip.

The more complex answer is that it seems to be more often affected than the reversal test I did. Here’s a longass series of wait period sweep. Everything without a comment was a successful 1f link, any with comments explain where it drops.

Cammy cl.MK, far MK 1f link
#&7 W8 5.W23,5.!#22=no far MK, 23=no combo
#&7 W9 5.W22,5.!
#&7 W10 5.W23,5.!
#&7 W11 5.W23,5.!
#&7 W12 5.W23,5.!
#&7 W13 5.W22,5.!
#&7 W14 5.W22,5.!
#&7 W15 5.W22,5.!
#&7 W16 5.W23,5.!#22=no far MK, 23=no combo
#&7 W17 5.W23,5.!
#&7 W18 5.W22,5.!
#&7 W19 5.W23,5.!
#&7 W20 5.W22,5.!
#&7 W21 5.W22,5.!#21=no far MK, 22=no combo
#&7 W22 5.W21,5.!
#&7 W23 5.W21,5.!
#&7 W24 5.W22,5.!#21=no far MK, 22=no combo
#&7 W25 5.W21,5.!
#&7 W26 5.W22,5.!
#&7 W27 5.W22,5.!#21=no far MK, 22=no combo
#&7 W28 5.W21,5.!
#&7 W29 5.W22,5.!
#&7 W30 5.W21,5.!#21=no far MK, 22=no combo
#&7 W31 5.W21,5.!
#&7 W32 5.W22,5.!#21=no far MK, 22=no combo
#&7 W33 5.W22,5.!
#&7 W34 5.W22,5.!
#&7 W35 5.W21,5.!#21=no far MK, 22=no combo
#&7 W36 5.W21,5.!
#&7 W37 5.W21,5.!
#&7 W38 5.W21,5.!#21=no far MK, 22=no combo
#&7 W39 5.W21,5.!
#&7 W40 5.W21,5.!
#&7 W41 5.W22,5.!
#&7 W42 5.W23,5.!#22=no far MK, 23=no combo
#&7 W43 5.W22,5.!
#&7 W44 5.W22,5.!
#&7 W45 5.W22,5.!
#&7 W46 5.W21,5.!
#&7 W47 5.W22,5.!
#&7 W48 5.W23,5.!
#&7 W49 5.W22,5.!#21=no far MK, 22=no combo

So in some places it gets pretty common to have the link frame drop. I’m not sure how much of this is due to emulation, of course - as I say, the simple answer is “yes, they do become impossible”, but how often, or how it compares to reversal drops (I’d have thought they were 1:1), I’m not confident to say at this stage.

I went back and did a few extra variations on the reversal case too, just to see if it clumps up a bit more like this test did.

Bison slide, cammy reversal dp
#&7 W21 -_D6.W70.5.W1+L.D.DL…_4.W5! #rev dp
#&7 W22 -_D6.W70.5.W1+L.D.DL…_4.W5! #no rev dp available!
#&7 W23 -_D6.W70.5.W1+L.D.DL…_4.W5! #rev dp
#&7 W24 -_D6.W70.5.W1+L.D.DL…_4.W5! #rev dp
#&7 W25 -_D6.W70.5.W1+L.D.DL…_4.W5! #no rev dp available!
#&7 W26 -_D6.W70.5.W1+L.D.DL…_4.W5! #no rev dp available!
#&7 W27 -_D6.W70.5.W1+L.D.DL…_4.W5! #rev dp
#&7 W28 -_D6.W70.5.W1+L.D.DL…_4.W5! #rev dp
#&7 W29 -_D6.W70.5.W1+L.D.DL…_4.W5! #rev dp
#&7 W30 -_D6.W70.5.W1+L.D.DL…_4.W5! #rev dp
#&7 W31 -_D6.W70.5.W1+L.D.DL._4.W5! #rev dp
#&7 W32 -_D6.W70.5.W1+L.D.DL…_4.W5! #rev dp
#&7 W33 -_D6.W70.5.W1+L.D.DL…_4.W5! #rev dp
#&7 W34 -_D6.W70.5.W1+L.D.DL…_4.W5! #rev dp

Still doesn’t seem as prevalent… but those two impossible frames next to each other are even more suspicious, although I’ve double checked them… very odd!

Actually, I just remembered something:

– from

So yeah. Possibly not surprising that it’s all over the place. If these results are anything to go by, maybe it’s LESS frameskippy when more inputs are going in (DP motion vs single button press)?

Wow. Frameskipping is way morw chaotic than i thought! Also i love how reversal dps are sometimes impossible i guess i should go for them more often in scenarios where i get a kill if it hits and i wont die if it doesnt… even though the other guy is on point with his execution

Maybe youre on to something with more inputs = less skipped frames… Which would explain why there are less reversal opportunities with dictators slide rather than giefs spd (you did use giefs spd earlier right? Or was it like a cr fierce? Gotta go back and check your post again)

Oh. You used cammy and dictator for your original test too… I was confusing it with your crossup test… There is one thing im i terested in though. For your test to see how many reversal frames there are… Cammys dp has less invincible frames than most i believe… Anyway, thats slightly beside the point, for your “too late, dp stuffed” scenarios did you get a reversal message and 1000 points? Because thats still tech ically a reversal…

I recall one time i tried upkicking between the 2 hits of hondas super (i NEVER missed it before) and was surprised that i died. I said wtf? And pointed at the reversal message still on he screen and ppl just shrugged

3 / 14 for your last dp trial failed. Thats insane thats over 20 % chance of the game screwing you out of a reversal dragon punch

Or 4/24 = 16.6% if you ad yourfirst trial i to it… Still insane

Yeah, you hear apocryphal tales of people that never miss a reversal, but I don’t really see how that’s even possible (unless they were on lower turbo settings). Of course, even if you won’t die from taking the reversal, it could still mean giving up advantage to the opponent…

“DP stuffed” was a little incorrect I suppose. Technically it is a late input and has left a neutral frame after getting up, which allows the character to be hit. A DP never gets a chance to come out.

But certainly, getting the reversal message doesn’t stop any of the hitbox/hurtbox interactions, so weird things can still happen.

I can always try the gief spd - just any tick into a first possible frame SPD right? And try to reversal out of it.