Bleach Thread 5.0 - MANGA IS FINISHED! Announcement is a Bleach live action movie lmao

I’ll say Grimmjow.

(Oi vey.)

I’m going to have start being even more precise in my wording from now on, though that was admittedly…ambiguous.

Still, give respect? To Bleach? Ha!

Well, someone’s been holding that in for a while, especially since I said nothing about quitting or asking anyone to quit and I personally quit for a long while in the middle of an arc two or three years ago, partly due to the aforementioned Butterflyzen thing. So you can stop overacting and preaching to the choir now.

All I was asking was “How many more chapters do you think this is going to take?” since I became aware forever ago that you guys are going to keep reading a manga that’s shitty since it doesn’t cost you anything and occasionally it does have cool moments.

You asked to bet something. So why not bet that instead of “betting” that person holding the sword is anyone but Grimmjow if it’s even someone we know?

Personally, I’m going with 42. Maybe 52. Kubo could easily stretch this out until the end of next year if he wanted to, though.

If it were up to Kubo, I’m sure the manga would’ve ended long ago. Most Manga writers never want to write this much but are forced in the end. Toriyama and DBZ being the most obvious example.

And why bet on how long the manga will go? This final arc could never end as long as superiors and such force him to drag it out, and if the sales start falling, it could end in 3 weeks for all we know. Plus with Aizen in the hole, they could restart an entire arc again if he wanted.

Bleach goes as long as money keeps coming in. This final arc is about as final as the Soul Society arc was.

Even when Aizen went all ‘fairy’ on us…it was still Aizen.

And even now, we still read…wit hopes of Aizen coming back…I mean it is what it is. We’ve read 500 chaps so far, why stop now. Yes there are a few video games I got close to the end but didn’t beat - but typically if you’ve invested a certain amount of time and interest into something…you still finish…

ESPECIALLY when you odn’ pay for shit…

  • :bluu:

Makes sense. Aizen also went to jail. He talked shit to the po-po and the judge.

LOL@ that last panel. “Oh no!” Ha.

We’d all like it to be Aizen but he’s still locked up in Oz. It would be great if it was a Royal Guard member (99% chance that won’t happen). Whoever the mystery person is, they felt the need to put their sword all up in Urahara’s face, so I’m guessing it’s one of the Espada.

I’ve given up on the writer ever introducing Squad Zero/RG peeps; bro is way too lazy for all that. And I feel like it’s too late for that at this point.

Can’t even argue. you’re right.


(Oh, hey Muff Daddy. It’s been years.)

Heh. All this talk of Black! Aizen makes me try to picture all the Royal Guard wearing monocles now since their The Man’s direct servants butlers and maids. Kinda difficult to do considering we don’t even know what Hikifune (?) looks like though…

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised of the Royal Guard, if they show up at all, show up only the very end as semi-deus ex machina (to attempt) to bring Ichigo into their fold.

“We have noticed you can instill great fear. Welcome to the Sinestro Corps Royal Guard, Ichigo Kurosaki.”

Everyone knows about Toriyama. What gives you that impression when it comes to Kubo? I got the opposite notion, actually: If there’s any (read: much) “executive meddling”, then it seems more likely that it’s to get him to end “properly” rather than canceling it on his ass because of the (sharp) popularity drop it began to suffer starting two years ago.

The Zero Division.

Spirit King better watch out. They probably going to attack even up there lol.

If I had to guess the sword, yea it would be Grimmjaw or some other not yet dead Arrancar. Makes since they are in Hueco Mundo.
Definitely not Aizen LOL, Aizen would come in more dramatic than that.

But yea Sternritter. Stay Free noob Shinigami.

So I keep refreshing the manga sites hoping to learn who the sword belongs to…

Me too.

Seeing this thread updated made me think that the new chapter was released already.

Fuck you guys. :frowning:

I thought the same thing when I saw your post. Fuck you, man. D:

lol people hype for a chapter of bleach. It’s been a lonnnnng time.

Let’s all blame nikkos. :smiley:

Hey man, the people love swords.

I’ve just been playing Soul-Arena to pass the time. I’m so far behind in character unlocking…

im always hype for a new chapter of bleach :stuck_out_tongue:

also fuck you all for making me think that the new chapter was already out :confused:

i’m ready for disappointment.

meh I’ve lowered my expectations so much that getting anything more than 16 pages of white space and speed lines and more text than the twitter character limit comes as a pleasant surprise.

With that said, I’m changing my bet from Ginjo to one of the Kurosaki sisters, namely Karin.

Oh yeah, I forgot that she was running errands for Kisuke.

It’s going to be Ichigo’s dad. Supreme let down of the year.