Bleach Thread 5.0 - MANGA IS FINISHED! Announcement is a Bleach live action movie lmao

This week’s chapter was pretty dull… as usual…

so it’s out? :S


:rofl: maybe not Aizen level, but Trollin’ is trollin.


Ok, I think I know where the Soul Society is/where they imprisoned Aizen.

Saturn. On Saturn’s north pole there is a hexagon shaped (like his AT-Field-like shield) storm that doesn’t move from that spot.

I think that week long break was worth it.

Damn. That guy gives absolutely zero fucks.

Starrk better come back, damnit! >:(

An actual good chapter? I don’t believe it.

Ahem I believe in the last thread…I said that Halibel, was NOT dead… And people were like “dude, she is. Aizen cut her. TWICE.” and I know the rules of anime/comics. IF YOU DO NOT see a body…they are NOT dead(unless they are completely and totally obliterated ala DBZ style), and even then, I knew she wasn’t going to die off…my chocolate goddess LIVES!

wtf where is babe nel

There was some special “zero” chapter a while back that showed Orihime doing her voodoo.

So she was ‘pretty much’ killed by brokeness personified, but someone put two quarters in her back to continue, and thus Haggar blew out the dynamite.

  • :bluu:



he says he can get as many arrancars as he likes, then the next panel shows Harribel. He making babies!

lol…yea…i mean, wouldnt you raw her too?

Yo my bitch Harribel is back AND I sense Grimmjow coming soon? yo thank you based Kubo.

So I guess this mean Halibel’s números are dead :(. So could this be a Hollow/Shinigami alliance.

The Magic 8-Ball says ‘thats the next logical step for a final chapter’. Time to train that mask-up yo!

Side though, the ‘leader’ seems to have an attack similar to Ichigo’s dad…that fingre pluck…I’m reaching…I’m reaching…you see it…

lol time to mind fuck some kids.

Haha, nigga got his head bust. First he lost his arm, then Big Boss was like, “You a prophet? No? So why you predicting shit? BUST A NIGGA HEAD!!” #MJGvoice

How did Nel revert, and how did she find Ichigo?

It was mentioned in a Character Book. She even had her own “mini light novel” section where it continued her story right after Ichigo met up with his friends again after Aizen was sealed. It starts off with one of her Fraccion who for some reason miraculously survived CC’s fire attack, Apache I believe, walks up to Orihime begging her to heal Halibel who was on the brink of death. Fast forward to Halibel and the rest of her Fraccion being healed, they bump into Yammy’s dog, fast forward again and they basically contemplate wandering Hueco Mundo for the rest of their lives.

I don’t remember, but I think one of her Fraccion suggested that Halibel should become queen of HM, since Barragan died, but she refused. I could be wrong though.

yay! time for fanservice!