Bleach 2: Dark Souls (Nintendo DS) thread

I liked doing triple pillar super with Ichigo in BDS1.

its one wasnt. i imagine due to the changes, this one wont be either.

well i havent seen us bds dumped quite yet, so im not too lucky lol.

It’s a good game. Best fighter on the DS (and not a bad one overall imo).

Give it a shot.

I’ve tried them man. I played US BDS1 and JP BDS2 for a while, and while I did have fun doing some of the crazier combos other than that the game just didn’t grip me, you know. the laggy-as-fuck matches I played online weren’t really entertaining (but then again I never got involved with the GFAQs players) and I really did not like how guard-cancels were in the game.

I’ll still probably give this another shot though.

sounds like you’re not in the know…Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 ain’t a straight up port of the japanese game. It’s got Asuma and Kurenai in it along with some other characters and you’re going to be able to do jutsu type stuff similiar to the 360 game but quicker and more stream lined. It’s using and updated gnt 4 engine which has some parts of the ex titles but more gnt4 than ex.


you’re severely overestimating how good Hitsugaya is in 2nd… his BnB without meter was already above average in 1 but he had shit normals a couple of other problems…

mainly he benefits so much from the system change of RF’s punishing flashsteps because he can actually control space with them so well. That being said, he’s not thaaaat good.

In any event someone list the changed for the US release gogoogoogogo

ya someone told me about them @gamefaqs have a solid community for that game i would get into that but how were you deemed a top player. did you go to a forum site or somthing to be ranked? if so what is it i would be down for that?

ya guess im not i always thought the ex seris where just ports of the jp ones:rofl:
still i dont see anyone play ex competieivly but i do see ngt4 played on a serious level. but will it have wifi i just may pick it up if they do?

I picked up my copy; I’m really liking it!:tup:

Well we used to hold tournaments and they’d be advertised on the boards, whoever wanted to could enter. That was pretty much the only way to prove anything other than playing match after match and getting your name known ( which is pretty much how we’ve been doing for the past 2-3 years ). So no there’s not really an organized ranking system, it’s all based off personal experience and word of mouth.

Your name grows as you perform. Hell my DS broke 3 months ago and I retired from Bleach, but I still have people messaging my youtube account for matches… So pretty much beat everyone you can lol

lol its makes since they should do leader boards or some shit it be hot lol

I don’t think the community there has that kinda commitment, they spend a lot more time complaining about DCers and laggers than talking about actual gameplay. Over here though? It’s totally possible.

i actually meant the game it self like on yugioh 2008 they got leaderboards you can check online on the game itself(uh why the hell do i play yugioh?)

regardless im picking up my copy this weekends friend codes anyone?

I’ve been watching videos for this and I’m interested in purchasing.

Is there always 4 players at once on the screen, and can you do traditional 1 on 1 fights?

Is this better than Blades Of Fate?

You can do 1v1 up to 4 man. you can have 1 or 2 planes.

Probably better.

No, you can do one on one. It’s your choice. And yes, it’s way better than Blades of Fate.

Does anyone know if the japanese game save will work with the US version? I already have everyting unlocked on the japanese version.

eh… thaaaaat good is pretty good. run away fireball and ridiculous rf punishing, and with his A super giving him flexibilty in every situation… he’s not broken status, but he holds his top position quite confidently. his ability to control a large amount of space in a game where over half the characters need to be in your face to be a threat goes a long way…

i miss playing this game but gamefaqs is full of scrubs save a few. i remember gettin in arguments over the fact that i wont :rofl: but i didnt win how they say i should have won :rofl:

soi fon for the fucking win

this game is a serious disappointment compared to BoF (1st game, U.S. version)

i mean you might as well consider getting it since theres a good amount of people playing the second one already

the series is somewhat enjoyable overall, but the mechanics are a bit of a novelty and still pretty flawed

No way dude, he’s easily the best character in the game, Hitsu is so hard to get in on, and he’s got the most versatile combos in the game ( not to mention the most varied supers ). On top of that, his sprite animation alterations actually make him ideal for close quarters melee action. Basically he got the major boost while everyone else got the super nerf.