GT: Tofu Demon
Main: Iron Tager
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Xbox Live GT: enjoi LETTUCE
Main/sub: Tager/Arakune
Location: St. Louis, Missouri - United States
Xbox Live: nwbtmo
Main: v-13
Location: Roanoke, VA
XBL: DramaticRevival
PSN: DramaticRevival
Main: Ragna
Location: Texas
Haven’t done this yet so…
GT: QwertyLegend
Main: Ragna/Tao
Sub: Haku/Carl
Location: NJ
I’m a total noob.
XBL: apex27
Main: Ragna
Alt: want to learn Noel
XBL: Shervin
Main: Nu
Sub: Ragna
King of Prussia, PA
I’m new around here.
XBL: Crasied Setsuna
Area: Las Vegas, NV
Main: Ragna
Sub: Arakune
I’m new to this game but wants lots of people to play with, preferrably other newbs or people who are better than me and can help me out!
PSN: DonkeyKnifer
Main: Taokaka
Location: Sweden
360: xXThaShizzleXx
Main: Taokaka Tager
Location: Texas
Just to update my info.
XBL: konakonata
Main: Nu (v-13)
Sub: Taokaka
Location: MA
Where the hell have you been? :<
PSN: Zeal34
XBL: Sometimes on my bros Accounts (Silverwind210 or Assassin Alv)
Main: Jin
Sub: TBD
Location: NYC
XBL: Zeroqs1
Main: Jin
Location: Hayward, CA
XBL: CaptCommy
Main: Hakumen
Location: New York
I’m only gonna add your PSN tag since it’s actually yours, no alt’s unless they’re 100% yours brah
Sure why not
XBL: jermandaim
Location: Texas
Main: Squiggly
XBL: NinjaKangarooo
Main: Ragna
Location: Louisiana
Good enough for me. Thanks.
OP here, I finally got the PS3 version of BB, feel to hit me up for some games anytime :tup: