i never saw this but im sure pigadoken wants in on this shit, 10 dollar side bet?
Does anyone do hop and then lvl 3 DL? I think you have to leave the stick in neutral after the hop or something like that.
Oh I also found a good way to practice RC elec. Use A Blanka. Use Sagat as a dummy. Let him do cr.RH on you. You get hit and then safe fall. Then Sagat does tiger raid and you safe fall. Then RC elec. If you do RC elec, then the tiger raid should be beat. So basically record Sagat doing cr.Rh and then a tiger raid.
Its easier to have Ryu throw fireballs at you, you dash and RC elec through the fireball. because if you miss, its not as hard as “Ok I missed the RC elec so I got hit, now I hafta get close, block his tiger raid again since hes gonna whiff a c.RH after Im down and do it, THEN I hafta get hit by the stupid c.RH, then safefall and try to RC again” That leaves too little opportunities to do it and too much hassle if you ask me. Having Ryu throw hadoukens (not rapid fire but throw them so you have time to dash and RC elec) you get more opportunities to do it without too much hassle.
Hell, why does everyone want to learn RC? Everyone should be like Iyo and own people without RC, especially with Dhalsim (heheh)
Why is R1 Blanka so good? All I do is random ass low jump crap that ends in a back hop. Damn near OCVed one of my friends the other day. Now I need a good R2 to use. Hibiki, Geese…
Ahaha… because, shut up.
You’re Chinese so I give you benefit of the doubt for not posting something gay like that on purpose though. You should teach Wan how to counter you for doing it if you’re starting to feel winning with Blanka low jumps is too easy. I try to shoryuken with Ryu, but that’s probably not the best idea. Jump straight up, come down with a kick. Chicken block, hurricane kick. Far s.HK. d.HP. Maybe far s.HP on reaction. I would have him try all those before coming on here and ever bragging about how R1 Blanka is so good ever again.
Because RC is fun. Oh well just cuz you don’t want to learn RC doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t…besides you know I use K Blanka as well so it’s not like I’m going to use RC elec that often.
RC =/= win. You need to know when to RC, practicing it is one thing, applying it in a match is another. The worse thing someone can do is try to RC mid match though.
I don’t want to learn RC? No, I’m spending my time learning and practicing other things than RC. I can use about every groove (cept A) but my 2 main grooves do’t need me to know how to RC, thus I spend time on other things instead.
i’m not too sure where i read this, but supposedly you’re suppose to do blanka’s strong elec if you want to build bar,right?
is the reason for this because it whiffs faster? so wouldn’t it be better if you whiff his jab version elec to build bar faster?
it’s because it whiffs faster, and it’s not very different from the regular piano motion you do. it’s hard to tap lp twice when you’re paino-ing your electricities, especially if you’re use to rc’ing them.
To my understanding, it also starts hitting earlier, and the frame count between the hits is different from the hp version. so you can use that to mix up parry/jd timings.
imma rc jab versions and see where that gets me…
do c.lk,c.mk or
blanka balls/Blanka super…combo