Blanka is what made Dylan go electric - a Guide

depending on the spacing you can actually get hp elec off the raw launch instead of mp. 429 damage ending with hk upball.

You’re absolutely right. I just never use it because of Julia’s low launcher height, but I will make a note of it.

It’s just too bad that it;s so hard to get other characters in the corner with Blanka.
So the only combo’s I really use end in launchers or clHP XXX HP lightening

Really that’s what Blanka’s all about. Just great normals into launcher. cl.HP xx Thunder is a good tool to use if you want to stay in, or stay safe. Personally, I think it’s more than enough. If you really want that corner combo with Blanka, you’re well-served by going for a partner with great corner carrying (like Julia, lol)

Blanka is the perfect lead partner for any character in the game. Speed kills baby

Exactly. People need to start recognising!

On the topic of speed, does anyone actually use speedgems.
I’ve tried using one on Blanka, but I don’t notice that much difference.

There are no good speed gem loadouts in the tournament-accepted sets, so I tend not to use them.

I’m currently on all-power gems, but I’m considering changing to all-meter to allow me to use more alpha counters and EX reversal options.

Speed gems aren’t really useful, though if you could get like 3 active at once jab xx elec pressure would be hilarious.

That is an amazing thought. That and his jump game would just be insane.

Use meter gems and power gems personally, all activate from partner launch. I also use a power gem that activates when super art performed. Speed gems aren’t really that effective it seems to me for blanka.

Wow that 20% extra damage on counter hit assist gem makes Blanka a monster

Lol the counter hit gem is just nasty. Probably works better on frame trap monsters like Lars and Julia, but I can definitely see it getting busy with Blanka’s jab.

Works well with his slide, great air-to-air normals, jab, ex-upball/ex-lightening on wake-up, his super as an anti-air and I always charge blanka’s counter attack anyway.

Blanka is a counter, and so is guile

Hertog, I see you all over these blanka forums and that’s awesome. You know how I was talking about heihachi on anchor with blanka, that will get ur opponent in the corner real fast, or Bryan fury. Midscreen post tag I got off of here clhp surprise forward, 2 cmks, xx upball is by far blankas best post tag with the
exception of his ex electricity 2 cmks, xx upball. Not to mention the obvious but hori ball is a gr8 combo ended and leaves u safe with a hard knockdown and pushes them back as u know. Try the iron fist bro on anchor. When u tag him in, u can go big damage with st hp, xx mp rising uppercut, hp xx hk dragon uppercut 2 hits/hk Hell Axel. Hell Axel will give u a nice push n cancel blanka for 2 hits on Hell Axel and with blanka forward jump hp, 2cr mks xx upball in corner and midscreen I do cr lp, cr mk xx upball. If u have trouble with the post tag, u have tohit the cl hp, surprise forward very early and slightly delay the 2 cr mks, xx upball. It takes practice but worth it

[quote=“wolfpak360, post:37, topic:161285”]

Remember that in the corner you can get HP Thunder, cr.MK, cl.HP xx Horiball! :slight_smile:

Just got blown up by a Blanka while using my Guile/Jack team.
You just remember how quick and annoying he is, when you face a good Blanka yourself.

[quote=“MuayGio, post:38, topic:161285”]

Wow, I didn’t know that was possible! Man just when I think I got it all lol. Hey since u put that one out there, an ez meterless with blanka is st hk, lp, xx hp horiball for good meterless damage, u can get more but way more strict is hk, lp xx surprise forward cr mk xx upball. Also I pulled over 700 with a power gem going with jump in hp, cl hp xx ex horiball, cr mk xx superart. If u have 2 pow gems going even more.