Blackheart video reference guide!

Should be finished by the end of this month. When it’ll be released, I don’t know yet.

Awesome. I can’t wait to see it cuz I love BH.

when is the Video going to be finished, its been like 3 or 4 months already. No preassure guys:wgrin::wgrin:

you’d have your answer if you looked just a couple post above yours…

i want to learn BH now that the game is coming to psn
I can;t wait for the video BHK =D

The BH tutorial is officially on youtube

If you have any questions, ask them here…

Nice job, BHKing.

Thank you kindly. Magnetro is indeed the man for making vids. nods

Why can’t we have vids like this for every character?

Great tut man it was worth the wait no homo 5/5

too good!

bh king of kings!!

Less than halfway through the tutorial I was rendered speechless. That has NEVER happened while watching a tutorial before.

Easily one of the best tutorials for a character ever [ IMO this IS the best, although I may be biased…].

It appears that I have some experimenting to do. There are lots of things in this video I wasn’t doing.

Thanks Magnetro and BHK.

Amazing video , guys. I’ve been using BH for a while, too (back when Boston used bh/cable/cyc), but still found a few new things in the video that could be useful.

The best part is that Magnetro’s videos put together many situations that are impossible to write out in text/ascii because they are very situational. But in video, it comes out very clear. I do some minor video editing, myself, so I know it takes a TON of time to put together a short video. Most gamers don’t have the patience/time/equipment to make videos like these, which probably explains why no such videos exist for SF3, SF4, T6:BR, etc.

I don’t doubt that Magnetro and BHK put a lot of time into making this video. If I had more time, I’d put together a mvc2 blog/website, but I’m sure somebody will be putting it together soon. These videos absolutely need to be on that website.

lol. ^ back when boston PLAYED

I think there’s a Long Island mahvel blog iirc? Dont know the addy.

I made a blog last year but I haven’t touched it in awhile. It’s mostly low-tier and a place where I crunch out ideas. It’s/I’m pretty scatter-brained, but there’s good info on Wolverine and some Unblockable mechanics rundowns.

Blogs are pretty down and dirty for leveling up tactics across the board, in Japanland every top-player runs some kinda site with all sorts of info, folks should step it up over here too.

Good job on that

Thanks. We spent a VERY long time on some of those scenarios to show when things were applicable and also variations to many situations. There was even more that we wanted to show, but it was going to be way too long.


Guys i saw this blackheart do 4 supers in a row please explain.

Team super doesn’t cause flying screen, so you can do it over and over.

Yo thx so much 4 dat info i was doin back flips trying 2 figure that out and now i know it can only be done in battle and not practiced in training mode unless i was 2 pick 3 of the same person and 3 of the same assists. THX a lot thou on the real if i ever pull it off on someone i’m screaming ya know name DASRIK!!