Bison's Autoshop Thread (Kitchener/Waterloo and Area)

I’m sry rodstarr, I was going to come, but my friend was leaving for mississauga at 12 30 and me being cheap
I decided to go with him instead of going home at 5 like my original plan and paying 12.50.

Bro Hug

trademark won!! :D:D

I place all blame on johnny. He said he could beat trademark and since I lost to antzen it was best if he proceeded, but I wouldve bodied trademark free.

waterloo marvel so hype

i leave for 1 ranbat…

i really need to get back to the marvel ranbats lol ive been away too long :’(

Maybe I won’t drop every combo next time :slight_smile:

in all seriousness though, well done Matt. I remember a month or so ago I was saying that it was a joke for top 3 to be Ian myself and Johnny (who deserves to be in it) every-time and other marvel players needed to step up and put in work. Looks like someone did. Congrats.

^Mr. Killacam is correct. good job trademark :slight_smile:

Put in work where and against who? Theres only so long you can sit in training mode, no one plays online anymore even if it did work, and the only people who I can play marvel with on a semi-regular basis are you guys.

sit in training mode longer :slight_smile: and do your best to try to figure out why you lose. alsooooo, learn to accept a loss(something i only learned a few months ago) thats the best you can do when you cant play someone all the time.

I can’t wait until the end of my term. I feel guilty every time I hit the training room. (Which I need so badly. On the other hand, finishing your combos is for people who don’t like sweet resets.)

I know a few people that play online inconsistently. I bet we could set up a lobby night once the summer starts. If you’re interested in such a thing let me know, and I’ll keep you in the loop when I actually get around to it. =D. It would be on 360.

I try and get pointers on my gameplay. I post a link to the stream archive on reddit with the times when I play and ask for advice. A lot of people are impressed with dr. strange and offer good genuine advice on how to change my playstyle, but how am I supposed to practice if the only time I play is at ranbats? Someone told me to reformat my team entirely, based solely around strange since its blatantly obvious thats what I want. I think its good advice since my cap sucks and my dormammu’s only gotten worse over the weeks. But who honestly pairs with strange?

please please please yes. I have a 360, and I’m in dire need of more practice.

watch the stream archive, see what blew u up, go into training mode ans figure out how to counter it. learn new setups, improve execution etc.

why must i be the only one at the shop with a PS3 D:

Because YOU CHOSE WRONG. (I also own a PS3, but only have a 360 stick/marvel disk.)

If it makes you feel better, you have access to the superior version of SFxT. Yay!?