Bison (dictator) Thread

Which character are you playing as?

dictator when i posted this question. I figured one way to deal with it is to wait for it to go past me and punish with But when its coming towards me on the ground im not sure what to press. I also am learning to play o.fei long and deejay.

That’s a good punish. Same concept can be applied when he’s doing tatsu up front and he’s about to land in front of you.

Another tricky punish is to stand up and block when he’s close to you, then quickly duck, and then use a standing attack to counter it. This helps you stay close, and the blocking/ducking thing helps to make sure you’re not about to be kicked in the face when you go for the punish. If he does it randomly pretty far away and you can anticipate or react to it, neutral jump HK or jump forward MP juggle for max damage is ideal.

It all just depends on the spacing between you two to figure out the punish. A lot of it comes with practice, trial and error, since you sort of need to develop the muscle memory to decide which punish to go for.

Cross post:

Some old dictator (not super version of dictator) tactics in HSF2. Guess most of it can be applied to ST as well:


Hello guys…i am from singapore here and i need to ask a few questions. After knocking chun li and claw down…what are the best crossup combos to dizzy them? It is not easy to cross them up with roundhouse or medium kick , doing two close standing light kicks,down medum kick into fierce pyscho crusher combo? Are there any other alternatives? Also…which button is good to crossup them with? Crossup jump roundhouse or crossup jump medium kick? I have problems doing the above combo on blanka too… it is like those 3 characters are so skinny to combo? I have problems doing it on Old and new Gat as well…so some legit advice would be apprieciated…

some crossups here:


I cannot seem to view the link…sorry…