Bison (dictator) Thread

Yup, it autocorrects like prof jones said. I usually do it by mistake trying to land the s.short going for the 3 s.short, s.rh combo.

Yes and no. Watch yuuvega VS tojo match from 1:50; you see it again but same side. Basically, if you are surprised that a knee press comes out rather than a psycho crusher or a normal, that means you negative edged the knee press.

What worked for me learning the Rog cross-up spacing/timing was to use the HDR Training mode.

First, set the speed on slow, turn hitboxes on, and just watch the shape and timing of his hitbox on wake-up. Its shape is really tall and really thin, like a skyscraper. And it’s timing seems kinda late, as you’ll see it “pop” into existence after he gets up. This tells you that you need to be (1) very high up and (2) just barely behind his head. It kinda feels like you’re jumping a little later and hitting your attack much shallower in your arc than most safe jumps.

Now you can change the HDR training mode to normal speed, and work on fishing for that spot. Keeping in mind that his hit box seems to pop up kinda late and it’s very thin, so if you’re missing it’s either your arc is too deep (and you’re missing the active hitbox) or you attack is too early (and you’re striking before the hitbox is up).

Dee Jay’s hitbox’s properties are very similar to Rog’s.

The YuuVega Beatdown series is over. Muteki = lamer! :’(

YuuVega vs Tepei (Guile)

want to do fancy super combo like rizone?
here’s a slow mo replay at 4m20s

youtube video link

Hello one and all.

Good to see a thread dedicated to Dictator.

I’ve been messing around in training mode recently and I have discovered something I believe is new. Of course it could be that this is a known quantity, but I’ll post it here as it should be useful. I apologize if this has been discovered already.

I’ve realized that Dictator’s close standing strong can hit your opponent low. I’ve tested this and it only works against 6 members of the cast. Sometimes you need to use a standing short first in order for this to work. Other times the timing / spacing is difficult (though this only applies for 2 of these characters.)

I’ve compiled a list below of the characters this will work against and how it functions against them.

CSS = Close Standing Strong
SS = Standing Short
JS = Jumping Short

Chun-Li: CSS on it’s own will work 100%. Using other moves into it wont work as far strong will come out instead.
Cammy: SS -> CSS or JS -> SS -> CSS or JS - > CSS. Works consistently.
THawk: SS -> CSS or JS -> SS -> CSS or JS - > CSS. The timing on Thawk is tricky, but not impossible. Due to the nature of the match-up it’s usefulness is questionable.
Deejay: SS - > CSS or JS -> CSS. The timing / spacing is difficult.
Fei Long: SS -> CSS or JS -> SS -> CSS or JS - > CSS. Works consistently.
Claw: SS -> CSS or JS -> SS -> CSS or JS - > CSS. Works consistently.

The timing is slightly different against each character but nothing too difficult (except against Deejay). This doesn’t seem to work if used from a cross-up, though I’ve not been able to test this extensively yet.

It may be useful as a mix-up against these characters and is an added tool if nothing else. Also, if you are good at hit confirming, CSS can be cancelled into Psycho or Scissors depending on the situation.

Like I mentioned above I’m sure this has been discovered before, but thought I would share my findings either way.

Interesting finding man! I did 2 quick tests (against chun/cammy) and it indeed works.
I may be wrong but I believe that its the first active frame on close strong that has that special property. I wonder why exactly its possible only on these specific situations though.
Close Strong Hitboxes:

Far Strong Hitboxes:

From the research I mentioned above I believe it’s something to do with those characters lower hit boxes.

What I mean is the blue box which dictates the low, mid, and head section of each character. The low section of the characters mentioned stick out further than their mid sections. I believe this means, given the right conditions, close standing strong (due to the low hit box) will connect with the ‘low’ section of the characters before it is able to connect with the mid section; resulting in it hitting low.

I’m not an expert on the games mechanics so I’m sure someone else could shed further light on this.

Thank you for the hitbox diagrams Born2SPD. From there you can see that the bottom right corner of close standing strong is down by dictators knee. This is the corner which seems to connect before the rest of the hitbox in the situations mentioned.

This discovery is just another reason I love this game. All these years on and still there is new ‘technology’ to be found.

You are on the right direction.

If you are only hit in the low section, you can not block while standing. This is why Sim’s drills often hit players who are standing, for example. There also a list of list of Ryu combos I posted years ago which included characters who may get hit by cr.Strong while standing - from the proper distance, of course.

Just wanted to say that i’ve put that info on close strong being a low hitting move on the wiki:
Link to wiki

Hey, I’m not sure if this is known already… but i’ll post it anyway since i never heard anyone talking about it.
Just discovered right now while getting the damage data to put on the wiki that for Devil Reverse, the second Punch press determines the damage BUT not how long the recovery will be. This is actually determined by the first punch press, and that’s actually the only thing it determines (AFAIK)…
So, you should always activate the move with Jab, and then use Fierce for the punch, this way you’ll get the fastest recovery possible and the biggest damage possible…

Apparently, these slipped through us all:

Long distance Psycho Crusher

Knee Press Nightmare from behind

Safe jumps against Ryu

For the knee press into super, is he simply switching charge directions as he crosses over, or somehow charging it in time by the time he lands?

^ Will find out, right now I’m figuring it out at work.
One trick I learned from Taira was he would do that same devil reverse in safe jump without crossup on his opponent then super them. A surprise tactic.

Pulled it off after 30+ tries. charge DB to UF then back forward on the opposite direction as you land. I did it in mid screen. Timing is hard -_-

Ah, I figured that would be the case. Looks very difficult to pull off, and I rarely see it used in a practical setting. The regular fake jump into super thing is fairly common and considerably easier to do.

I’ve always wondered why switching charge sides was always much more difficult than storing a charge while switching sides, e.g. Honda and Chun’s store glitches. Storing supers must allow more lenient timing for when the game decides to drop charge once you move the stick away from a down or back position. This must be what allows them to neutral jump before going into their supers.

Idk how the JP players do it so fluidly. my nephew told me he met a top player from Japan and described how the players there would break nights in their homes or until the arcades close just to consistently master the moves.
They’re really that dedicated to mastering and discovering ways to achieve that objective. They make us Americans look retarded XD

Their primary advantage is close proximity to one another, superior public transit, and available arcade cab setups. They are quite literally in the best possible place to excel in the fighting game scene, so it’s no surprise that their skill level, as a whole, is much higher.

Meanwhile, here in America, all our best players live extremely far from one another, we generally have to drive or take slow transit to get together, we only have a handful of arcade-perfect setups in the whole country, and our arcade scene is pretty much on life support in even the best settings. The only glimpse we have of the Japanese experience is when we get together at Evo once a year, and that’s not NEARLY enough practice to make up for how much the Japanese play together.

Agreed they’re conveniently close together in major cities.
Here in my neck of the woods, arcades/bars are popping up randomly. one is about to open in a couple days called Barcade and see which SF2 cab is going to be there.

Can’t beat drinks and video games together in one place at least for me!