Biggest 3S Event of the Year: Clash of the Titans at TFC, Raleigh, NC

Well this time around despite all signs pointing to it, it has nothing to do with ego and pride. This is just a collective move towards making 3S exciting for everyone in the US again. It can only work if everyone believes in it. Duralath’s half right. We’re definitely going to drink beer and play 3S. But who wins is also going to matter, the flame must be lit!!!

I want to see Ryan vs denjizz ft10

I plan on it. Also, I’m more free at this game than ever, so you’ll probably beat me. But if we play matches for shots, I’m intentionally throwing matches to get drunk. Just so you know.

Igloobob aka mysterious polarizing figure who looks like him --> William Murdoch**
Officer Murdoch in charge on the bridge when Titanic collided with iceberg


**Alaska observes demise of Titanic **


Investigation complete: At TFC, Alaska = titan destroyer + 5th AND FINAL TITAN

online only
pad only
for over 15 years

watching streams alone in your underwear

might as well just kill yourself, bitch nigga

That shit is so gay. Transex batman fanfic writing banned member online weirdo gay

Airborne > Titans

Yang players know what’s up

The rules have been updated!

shut up


Let’s not derail the thread. Any speculation on who is better than whom is pointless and just ends up driving wedges between people. Remember, my choice is Titans does not simply reflect on skill alone.

What is it reflecting on

-Overall skill level
-Consistency over the years
-Name recognition within community
-Character diversity within Titan pool
-Location diversity within Titan pool
-Whether they can commit to the event

Titan event will now have 6 players, with 2 (up from 1) coming from qualifying in the Singles event!

Thanks for being open minded exo, this event will be well worth the flight. Get hype!!

I like how I suggested more spots and some dickhead hates on me, yet the majority said the same thing on Facebook.

Go yuuki!

Ps. I hope Lance goes 0-2

I will win singles
Alaska will win teams
Then I want a parade

I’m feeling confident. Who can stop the northern wind?

I think 5 to 6 was a decent compromise while still maintaining the FT3 round robin structure. Had I budged to 8, I would’ve probably had to change the structure to a bracket style, which would’ve been too much…But this change…this should make everyone happ…i…er…!

Updated the rules just a little more…:slight_smile:

So is there a way to view these rules without having a Facebook?

I copied the rules to the opening post.

But you should totally have a FB for 3SJunkies.

3SJunkies is like voluntarily getting cancer. I say this as someone who is fairly active there. For every worthwhile post there are 25-30 shitposts of bad information or stuff that has nothing to do with the game.

That said, join us!