Let me ask this i thought the best Version Was A MAME Direct Port is that not right. Was it not taken direct from the ST arcade Board…
And, Eclipsing Binary, Hey man Check your PM.
Let me ask this i thought the best Version Was A MAME Direct Port is that not right. Was it not taken direct from the ST arcade Board…
And, Eclipsing Binary, Hey man Check your PM.
A supergun is a portable house for the true arcade board. Not an emulation.
Right that i understand but, MAME is the same program that the arcades used back then, if im not mistaken MAME is the ST program that is ripped right from the arcade board well atleast the on that i and, my friends have and, a lot of other people i know, they did not port or remake it to be just like that arcade but, its that actual arcade Rip. atleast thatas how it was toold to me and, it seems to be that why the same glitch that are in the arcade are in the mame program. but example of this is the MAME (Killer Instinct) for the MAME just like ST its not a port but, a direct RIP from the board thats why all the same glitches are in the mame version that are in the arcade one…
Again i could be wrong but, i’ve known this as fact for the latter part of 10 yeas now!
Just because you have a complete rip doesn’t mean the emulator can “emulate” the hardware necessary to run said rip perfectly. It does get pretty damn close though.
Listen. If you are comparing superguns which have the ACTUAL PHYSICAL BOARD IN THEM to an “emulation” which will NEVER BE AN ACTUAL BOARD then of course there are differences.
so let me get this straigth if i go to training mode in AE what speed should i use to practice.
I mean wich speed is closest to the arcade?
Just because theres a board does not mean it matches the 95" arcade machine perfectly i live in Miami Fl, Theres a place here called the SWAP SHOP there they still have the SSF2T Arcade fro the 90’s there i took my lap top, with me and, my friend and i stayed there for like 4 hours testing the speed and that character’s combos as well as the special move and the super move timing as far as we could tell the MAME EMU plays just as well as the arcade one same speed same links and diff the same special move button and joystick input vegas wall dave works flawless in the MAME version and you can even combo glitch just like the arcade version, Mind you that you can not do in the Supergun nor the other EMU or the AE edition the only problem is that you can not find the ROM anylonger
What the hell are you talking about? A Supergun IS an arcade cabinet, just without the cabinet part. There is 0 difference between a Supergun and the actual machine. Emulation is EMULATING the arcade board, it’s never going to be quite 100% perfect, although it can be close enough to be essentially unnoticeable.
Wait someone thinks Emulation is as good as Supergun? HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Yikes.
If you have played on a super gun (for a stupid amount of hours). The the differences are very noticeable on an emulator, not matter how small they may be.
I am not knocking an emulator. I love’em, I play one everyday (GGPO FTW)! They are very good good at what they do, but very good is never perfect.
HA !
If I had a SuperGun ( which I have no fucking clue where to get one or how much they cost ) I would have no one to share it with.
Love me some Emu.
You can get one on EBAY i saw some on there last week for like 60 or 70 dollars
AE practice mode is ass. All you’re going to do is learn the wrong timings.
go to option mode and pick free select. then select 2 at the vs. screen. that’s as close as it gets and it’s still wrong.