Have you ever tried to reversal in 4 frames extra lag? I can’t get the timing down so I got shafted at evo wondering why my reversals weren’t coming out.
If you’re going to use emulators, why not just emulate the arcade version?
Reversals can be tricky at first, until you get the timing down. I can do them pretty consistently on CCC2, and then when I switch to arcade, still do them just as consistently. Just a matter of being able to change how quickly you do it. And it’s only a slight, slight difference.
It just adds extra challenge
some people just astound me.
? How does this astound you. There has yet to be an emulator that can emulate ST perfectly. Even the latest mame release can’t even handle some stages, and NFBA is complete crap for it (stages going twice the speed they were meant to, graphical tears all over the place).
DC is the best release as of now.
Parry… So you know. A lot of the graphical glitches on NFBA show up on actual ST boards too. Both my Green board and my buddies Blue board will do these tears.
Also, What stages run too fast on NFBA?
DC is still by far king of the console releases
Yes, but the boards don’t freak out and lag to shit or run x3 speed due to it.
nFBA still has a long way to go emulation wise.
I don’t know about that. DC appears to be arcade perfect plus it fixes the glitches with ST.
Freaking emulators are garbage anyways. I have a quad core pc with an 8800gt card and still every emulator I tested out there for ST have random crap. It’s poor coding.
So, SF Collection (PS1)'s port ain’t too bad? What’s wrong with it excluding CPS1 Chain-Guile?
Do people not know where to read the wiki? Seriously?
It’s not even hard to find.
Known differences in the PS1 version:
-Ken, Dhalsim, and Sagat can do reversal supers (which they can not in the arcade version)
-there is a slight delay between “Round 1, Fight!” and when you can actually move
-Chun Li falls extremely slowly after her medium upkicks (Short and RH are correct, though)
-Guile regains CPS1 chains
-only two buttons are required for three-button moves (ex: Zangief can do a lariat by hitting only Jab Strong or Strong Fierce or Jab Fierce)
-inputs must be done more quickly
-tapping two buttons one right after the other counts as hitting them simultaneously
-when a character has zero life left, it takes two blocked specials to kill him/her
-characters don’t seem to get dizzy as easily (speculation, untested)
when you guys say DC version, are you guys talikng about the japanese “grand master challenge” version?