Best Offensive 2D Fighting game without speed of light? (Gulty Gear, MvsC2)

Strip Fighter II is pretty offensive, I had to hide it from my 6 kids cause their 8 mommas didn’t want them exposed to all that nudity and shit.

(but seriously, KOF is pretty offense-heavy.)

Serious answer of course would be KOF. NOT 12!

MK3 is another good nomination.

Vampire Saviour?

this is a VS thread in disguise

UMK3, period.

Garou Mark of The Wolves.

It might just be me, but I found this beyond hilarious, funniest thing posted here in a very long time.

Back on topic I would second Garou: MOTW, excellent game. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that KoF 13 is everything that 12 wasn’t, keep you eyes on that once there’s a console release.

Vampire Savior, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure… they’re sublight speed

That’s a nice way to describe Vampire, imo.

Topic tittle bans Gulti Gear.

My choice is [media=youtube]0CqVrtDpIrU"[/media]

Vampire Savior (K.O is no excuse for a new round) and VF4 (no hiding for the ringouts).

Thrill Kill was pretty ‘offensive’ too, don’t think it was released tho:

  • [media=youtube]Rjay_ZmjSM4[/media]
  • [media=youtube]MhhGUEOKoB8[/media]

I second that.

Well I guess SF4 is offensive in terms of execution shortcuts. I’d be pissed too if I played for years and was so used to actually doing the motions for a move and getting different ones.

Best post.

Oh, you mean the other offensive.

Melty Blood series- Wait, speed of light. Vampire Savior.

WW still stands for the previously mentioned “offensive” however

Ever since when did super jump screens and air mobility equate to “speed of light.”

I don’t think the original said anything like that…or were you referring to a different post and just forgot to quote.

OP mentioned GG and MvC2, the common factor in both is a higher than normal screen to accommodate super/double jumps and air mobility (air dash, flight, etc.).

Well that and 1 frame effectively unblockables.

vampire savior is the 2nd fastest fighter I’ve ever played. Right behind mvc2. The reflexes and reaction time you need to play VS feels almost like marvel to me. Bee in VS if I read my frame data right can do an 8 frame overhead on every character. Magneto in mvc2 isn’t even that fast! he’s like 10ish iirc if you do the air dash dwn\dwnfwd lk.

speed up wolvie in mvc2 has a 2 frame high 2 frame low making his mixups beyond any humans reaction time on this planet. I think he might be the fastest hi\lo character of all time. Those #'s are correct by the way so its not a guess.

yo you guys have played regular st, but did u ever think about… st w/ airdashes?