I have a moral conflict with this stuff, because I believe in and enjoy peace and harmony and all of that, but 1. sometimes you gotta put somebody in his place 2. a couple of months ago I felt I was tremendously disrespected by a well established player who I thought respected me, and it really hurt, but within 36 hours it had lit a fire under my ass and I feel like I have leveled up a whole lot since then, which I know proponents of shit talk including you have cited as a positive benefit.
pyrolee, please get onto more podcasts/shows (if any of them still exist at this point ). pyrolee’s fireside storytime = gold.
Also, I have a couple of really fucking good Smoothviper popoff stories that are not on video. I’ll write them up later if I can stop watching Shark Week.
thanks, yeah, i couldnt find it, but i figured it was actually beboop. shame man. i know someone has to have it still. that shit was raw as fuck. i watched it at least 8 times. oh well. so it goes. it wasn’t the prettiest of moments from the fgc, but that shit was raw as fuck.
I know the guy who recorded it, he doesn’t have the file anymore IIRC
Unless someone went so far as to download it off youtube for educational purposes and the file is still out there
You would’ve enjoyed Marvel 2 @ EVO this year, I think I told you already. They were cramped up together, funky n’ stinkin’ raw and uncut. Saw some Dreamcast “GreenMonsters” AGETEC ArcadeStick on the floor for battle.
& VDO could move from Marvel, 2 chairs over into CvS2. “You play that game too cuz?” – “Yuup.” P-Groove Haohmaru, Kyo forgot 3rd.
I like how around 8:30, MrWizard seems to be telling him to shut the fuck up. This has been my favorite video in this thread by far. I will save this link for future enjoyment.