If there’s any extra color, i’d pick the st. + hp.
That color is badass.
wow. (some) of you guys have no waste whatsoever
white is overrated, its ok but, wtf, its white, its not like its block or anything, get over it.
close thread.
Black > all.
It was too broken, which is why it was taken out.
Start + Roundhouse ftw.
i think select+hp ? that white [with white hair]
then normal white.
yellows nice too.
White, Green, and Blue are the most common colors.
i havent seen green in a while here in AZ…but ya my fav color would be GREEN
blue because it’s the main button that I press when I select Ken. No particular reason!!!
oh wow thanks a lot
Yellow Ken = Rocky Ken (Rocky Movie Series) or Piss Ken (Obvious)
White Ken = Daigo Ken
Green Ken = Lime Ken
Red Ken = Apple Ken
Purple Ken = Gay Fag Ken
Secret Ken = Cocconut Ken
For refrences
PS I need one for blue Kern
Orange with blue gloves, the Goku Ken.
Thanks for that color webpage. Purple is the best color of ken though, also looks like it’s the least popular according to the poll atm. Elitism ftw.
Green Ken for when he has just watched the Supersonics… Though I don’t know why he would bother.
But Blue is my favourite and what I use atm.
how bout the black with blue hair??? j/k i hate him in that hair color. my fav is white with red gloves and white hair then red.
Yellow ftw; If we’re in Kenya I’ll blind my victim
Blue FTW. Because I like to rep the Hyper Fighting colors for any characters I play in ST/3s.
WE need more yellow rep on the poll!