why use Ken, use Sean, Q, Twelve, Necro, Remy, Hugo they be sportin’ the pink!
dont forget , Elena and Makoto also sport the pink:karate::tup:
and Chun and Ryu if you are on console:lol:
doesn’t chunny have a regular pink color (i.e. not a secret console costume one)? cvs2 ken has a pink color, haha.
green ken all the way.
Ryu has a weak pink outfit, though.
Quick, everyone list what buttons get everyone’s pink! >_>
no chun has no regular pink, she does have red though.
Because Im bored
Pink Sean : HP
Pink hair Elena : MP
Pink Duds :HP
Pink Mak: Jab forward Fierce
Ryu:Start +Jab
Q : Start + HP
someone else can do the rest:lol:
Jab+Fwd+Frc is not a crappy color. Its his best by far. I hate white Ken.
I almost always either pick the Start+R1 costume (off-white costume with white hair). I think it’s the coolest since he’s an old character. Kinda like how he looks so relaxed before the match. Experience.
blue ken to rule them all :tup:
Purple Ken likes the Minnesota Vikings
Green Ken likes the Dallas Stars
Orange is really my fave. He looks alot like Ryo with that Gi. If not the secret one, then I’d go with these in order:
Red: Defult way. Capcom’s way.
Blue: Championship Edition.
Green: 5 star makes it look great, so I choose it once and a while
White: I havent really used this one, but I kinda like it. Too many Daigo wannabe scrubs online choose white though.
The pink Ken in my avatar is the best though :tup:
actually the totally awesome thing to do is pick yellow for SA1, red for SA2 and blue for SA3.
but since SA1 and SA2 suck blue is king.
Old school red owns. :tup:
Green Ken pwns
Gotta go with white. So fresh and so clean.
Takes nothing to realize your Ken!
purple all the way
I choosed for thye Secret Color It’s looks like Evil Ken.
Yellow! It’s got to be Yellow!
How do you get those crappy secret colours?